“Text Neck”. or “text neck syndrome”: What is it and why does it affect so many people?

In these days in which little by little all the students, from those who go to kindergartens to university students, return to classes, backpacks and study hours regain prominence.

For this reason, the , wants to contribute to improving the health of all students by offering a series of recommendations aimed at preventing back ailments among schoolchildren.

And they focus mainly on two issues that are the ones that can cause the most back problems among students:

  • The weight of the backpacks

  • Stay for several hours sitting in the same position.

The weight of the backpack should not exceed 15-20% of the body weight.

The weight of the backpacks

Spine specialists indicate that the weight of the spine should not exceed 15-20% of body weight.

That is why it is important to choose a suitable backpack that has wide adjustable straps.

Before buying it, it is advisable to try it to be sure that it adapts to the physiognomy and height of the child, always avoiding that the backpack falls below the buttocks.

Once the one that best suits the child has been chosen, it is time to place books, cases and snacks. And for a correct distribution of the load inside the backpack, it is recommended to place the heaviest material close to the body.

It is easy to see the little ones on their way to school, carrying heavy backpacks.

For this reason, spine experts call on educators to optimize the weight of school supplies in order to avoid students having to carry all the material on their backs on a daily basis.

On the other hand, specialists warn that sitting for long periods of time (not only in the classroom, but also at home at study time) can also cause lower back pain, especially if physical activity is not performed.

For this reason they recommend the every day.

  • “It is the best prevention, along with monitoring what is known as postural hygiene or ergonomics.”

The “text neck” is a muscular disorder that appears due to the bad position of the neck.

“Text Neck” Syndrome

Also spending too many hours in front of electronic devices, with which many students already work, can cause what is known as the “Text Neck” syndrome.

We are talking about a muscular disorder that appears due to the bad position of the neck when leaning forward for long periods of time, and which can cause cervical pain and stiffness.

And it is that as the specialists explain:

  • “The average weight of a child’s head is around 2 kilograms. For every two centimeters that is tilted forward, the pressure exerted on the cervical spine is multiplied by 2.”

Prolonged use of (smartphones, tablets…) and incorrect postural hygiene when using them exerts strong pressure on the spine, and can even lead to the appearance of more serious pathologies, such as herniated disc.

This “technological disease” largely affects children and adolescents (almost 90% prevalence in this population), which is why it is recommended:

  • Keep devices at eye level and avoid looking down.

  • Take breaks in the use of the devices and practice some stretching exercises.

  • Maintain an upright posture while using them.

70% of children will have back pain before the age of 16

More than 80% of low back pain in children and adolescents is functional, that is, it is almost always related to contractures, poor posture and/or a sedentary lifestyle. It is a frequent diagnosis, being the second cause of consultation for pain in Primary Care.

  • Around 9-10 years of age, the most painful area is the dorsal

  • From the age of 15, this pain is equated with lumbar pain.

  • The cervical area is the one that produces the least ailments, and when it does manifest, it does so especially in girls.

These pains are so important that the Spanish Society of the Vertebral Column estimates that 50% of children with back pain stop doing sports for a while, and that 25% even stop going to school and do not leave home while experience the pain.

70% of children will have back pain before the age of 16, in the cervical, dorsal or lumbar area, of which 8% could suffer from it chronically.

70% of children will have back pain before the age of 16. Marta Fernández Jara – Europa Press

When to worry and go to the specialist?

In general, this type of pain is not serious, because as we have already seen, it is due to bad posture or lack of postural hygiene.

But specialists warn that if any of the following symptoms are added to the pain, you should see a spine specialist:

  • Whenever the pain is caused by any type of trauma.

  • If it is accompanied by fever, chills or affects the general condition of the child.

  • If the pain radiates to the upper or lower extremities.

  • In case of severe contractures of the joints or paravertebral muscles.

  • When a pain does not subside with the usual medication.

Recommendations to avoid spine problems

In order to avoid that the smallest and youngest end up suffering any pathology in the spine, the Spanish Column Society recommends following these tips:

  • Educate children in continuous sports practice, as a routine.

  • Insist on postural ergonomics.

  • Avoid being overweight by maintaining a healthy diet.

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