Stomach problems according to biodecoding

As Joman Romero says in his book “Getting to know each other”: The stomach is emotionally linked to food, love, affection, survival, reward and to the mother.

Stomach problems according to biodecoding

We replace our need for affection and love with food in moments of loss, separation or death, or to mitigate economic or material stress, etc.

Help stomach problems

Help from the emotional level to heal stomach problems

They are very often related to “daily bread”, that is, they concern above all the material aspects of life, be it in the sphere of work or in the affective sphere.

They tell us that we are distressed and feel insecure because we have difficulties in controlling the material world.

We are worried about economic, professional, school or judicial setbacks and we do not stop thinking about it in an obsessive way, since we are very anxious about the future.

stomach and emotions

Become aware of your feelings when what happens in your life is difficult to “digest”. Stomach pain is a good indicator that something indigestible marks that moment of your existenceor transports you to a previous experience associated with the present and that you must heal.

Do not “swallow” what you do not agree with, biting your tongue and the words you would say at that moment. Learn to say no, to reaffirm yourself and to let go of those trains that will not take you where you want to go.

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Don’t “swallow” them either for fear of disappointing them or for fear of guilt. Stay away from those who don’t make your life happy.

If there is an “indigestible setback” in your life, take one of the paths, the one that most aligns with your purpose in life, do not remain too long in indecision.

If you already “swallowed” something that you cannot vomit

Try not to contaminate you. Absorb the useful from the experience and the disposable will come out naturally. Accept that every event that happens to us transforms us.

If a situation “gets your stomach up”, pay attention to that signal from the body and decide wisely how not to nourish yourself from it.

if you feel butterflies in the stomach, they announce transformation. Open yourself to feel: the well-being of its fluttering will propel you towards the new, but if it is discomfort that fluttering causes you, move away to a safe place.

The feeling of emptiness in the stomach

(When nutrition is adequate), it tells you about existential dissatisfaction. Avoid self-deception and review carefully and sincerely What areas of your life are neglected?

A accumulation of gases in the stomach They are inviting you to become aware of the ideas that have remained undigested during the day.

The repetitive nausea tells you of excessive distrust. Through past experiences, you have learned to defend yourself from what is around you, but now it is excessive. Fear is cured with doses of confidence and confrontation.


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