STIMULUS, the professional cognitive rehabilitation app

is a technology that allows therapists, through the use of a tablet, to implement cognitive stimulation/rehabilitation interventions in different populations (mild cognitive impairment, dementia, brain damage, intellectual disability, etc.), as well as cognitively stimulate the population healthy older person with a preventive objective.


The STIMULUS technological platform is made up of the STIMULUS® Professional APP for Android systems and a professional web portal. It has more than 50 interactive activities that allow the training of cognitive skills in the following areas

For each task, it implements up to 10 levels of difficulty, generating each activity randomly from a complete library of resources.

What advantages does STIMULUS offer mental health professionals?

STIMULUS technology allows you to offer individualized treatment, according to the patient’s needs and obtain immediate feedback on test performance. With its app you can record all the indicators of each exercise performed (successes, errors, omissions, times, etc.) and also formulate a result that allows you to observe the evolution of each user with respect to the performance of the tasks.


Other advantages:

Time savings, since automation in session generation and registration; reduces the time of analysis and adaptation of the intervention program.

It has a more playful and attractive presentation format for the user, while offering quick and correct feedback.

Easy and accessible use by users because it is adapted (touch screens that avoid the use of keyboard and mouse; instructions in auditory and visual format).

It enables tele-rehabilitation or cognitive tele-stimulation, thanks to the STIMULUS HOME version that can be linked to the professional’s account, to configure the intervention and perform remote monitoring.

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Mobility: STIMULUS can be executed anywhere, even without the need for an internet connection.

Low implementation cost. The necessary equipment is affordable and increasingly common in homes (Tablet). In addition, the cost of licenses is flexible, depending on the time of use and the number of users.

Start using it without any cost or commitment

The best way to know its benefits is to try it, and that is why it offers the possibility of obtaining two months of full access at no cost and without obligation. After that time it will be possible to continue using STIMULUS under one of the current plans.

STIMULUS is, above all, a very innovative and easy-to-use platform, which allows interventions to be carried out based on ICT in a simple way, and in very few steps.

More information and application.

We thank STIMULUS, our sponsor this week.