Six tips to help a friend suffering from abuse or violence

Confinement allowed many young people who suffer from some case of violence or abuse to isolate themselves from their support networks. How to avoid it?

If a friend or family member comes to you to tell you that they are suffering from a situation of violence or abuse, or you sense this from their publications on social networks and from how they speak to you on WhatsApp when you ask them about their relationships, you should keep in mind that You can support it in different ways. We invite you to read:

How to do it?

Shakira shared on her social networks six tips offered by Unicef ​​on how you can help a friend who may need support in the face of a case of violence:

  1. Let him know he’s not alone

    Anyone who experiences or witnesses violence or abuse at home may feel isolated from friends and family. Communicate in an assertive manner so that your friend feels comfortable, making it clear that you are there for him and you are happy to listen to him, just with what he needs.

  2. Talk to a trusted adult like parents, uncles or a teacher

    Share your concerns and intentions to help your friend. In many countries Teachers and other adults have a legal obligation to report cases of child abuse or domestic violence that they know of.. If you think your friend is at immediate risk, you should call emergency services.

  3. Inform your friend of the available help that exists

    Look for child protection agencies and organizations. Children’s helplines can often offer support or advice. You can also tell your friend that teachers, doctors, and other community members can help solve and prevent these cases from happening. You may be interested in:

  4. Spend time with him

    If you see it viable, you can try to establish a regular physical and distanced activity such as taking a walk, this will give you the opportunity to talk openly and privately, if necessary.

  5. Talk to them about how you could intervene safely if necessary

    Think about a keyword that your friend should use if they need help to get out of a situation urgently or
    requires external intervention from the authorities. If possible, talk to a trusted adult first.

  6. Take care of yourself

    This may seem like an overwhelming situation. Remember to take care of yourself and your own mental and physical health so you can support and be there for your friend.

If you have questions about this topic or need guidance about it or know of a child who is being abused and you don’t know how to handle the situation, we can help you. Call us or write to us on Whatsapp at 333 033 3588 or our chat found in the box that says ‘Are you not feeling well?’ which you find on the right side of this page. Remember that our services are free

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