Sinusitis – Integral Health Coaching.

When I am affected by sinusitis, I experience a blockage in the nose and here it is the sinuses of the face. This sinus infection is linked to helplessness in front of a person or a situation: I can’t smell it or the mustard goes up my nose. I imagine the sensation of having strong mustard in my nose, it chokes me, it burns me…

I may also sniff out a danger or a threat in advance that triggers a fear inside of me. The danger can be real or imagined: the result will be the same. I can have the feeling that “something doesn’t smell right”, that there is something doubtful”.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: Increase mucus to capture odors and hormones. It also coincides with the repair phase of a conflict in which there was ulceration in the active phase and a dry nose.

CONFLICT: Irritation conflict over something that “smells bad”. Olfactory frontal fear.

Fear of what this smell may entail along with an inability to react to the problem. “I smell an enemy, but when he gets close I won’t be able to face him.”

MAXILLARY SINUSES: Anxiety at wasting time and danger.

FRONTAL SINUSES: Conflict with our thoughts and with the future. Conflict of smelling a danger that is related to sight.

ETMOID SINUSES: Something smells bad, along with a conflict of devaluation due to injustice or not feeling up to it. Conflict of fear that I feel for something very intimate and personal.

SPHENOIDAL SINUSES: Similar to the ethmoid with a “failed at something” overtone.

See also  Chest – Thorax – Comprehensive Health Coaching.


Right breasts: To get something (input).

Left breasts: To get rid of something (exit).

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