Seven games for the health of our brain

The functioning of our brain, like that of the rest of our body, is variable in relation to time, the environment that surrounds it, our own experiences and the amount of stimulation available. We present some ways to exercise it.

brain health

The brain is an organ that is modified during the course of our livesthat is to say, It is not the same in the different life stages. The modifications that occur in the brain empower us to develop the roles that life imposes on us and allows us to have a certain intellectual capacity, as we contribute to its development. To do this, the brain transforms and operates a restructuring by means of the genesis of neuronal synapses.

This ability to modify the structure of the organ is called “brain plasticity.”

This creation of new neural networks facilitates learning and the ability to acquire new knowledge or recover brain or motor skills after an accident. The stage in which this brain condition is greatest is childhood, but it has been shown that plasticity is not limited to a single agebut It continues in all phases of our development, even during old age. According to experts, the neurogenesis and the strengthening synaptic networks It only becomes possible with constant work and exercise of the brain organ.

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Games to take care of our brain

Just as muscles are developed and strengthened, with exercise, healthy eating and consistency, the brain needs to practice constantly and frequently. To promote the good health of your brain, we recommend the following games, which work as excellent brain exercises:

  1. “Concentrate”: During the 60s and until the 2000s, a game show called “Concentrese” was broadcast in Colombia, in which people had to observe a board with different pairs of images. After a first observation, the images were covered and people had to guess the location of each image and its partner. This is a game that exercises visual and spatial memory. It can be done with playing cards, images, etc. There are also mobile applications that include it.
  2. Find the differences: it is the classic comparison game between apparently identical images but one of them has slight modifications. This is to be able to track these distinctions in an exercise that strengthens the concentrationthe discrimination capacity of thisencouragement and focusing on details.
  3. Puzzle: Another strategy for the mind is to do puzzles. For him visual-spatial exercise and the skills brain associated with fine motor skills, the pattern perception and associations. Three-dimensional puzzles like Rubik Cube They also promote brain plasticity.
  4. Chained words: the exercises of chained words, which is played in a group, promotes associative capacity, memory and the part of the brain that articulates language and its associated functions. There are different variants of this game that range from the formation of trovas until the thematic association. All of them are very useful for our brain health.
  5. Numerical training: the sudokuthe chained sums (say a random number and perform mathematical operations mentally), location games on coordinate planes (type Naval battle and similar) are an important stimulus for the neural activity.
  6. Reading and writing: Reading is and will continue to be one of the intellectual activities par excellence where the brain is exercised most completely. Not only the language faculties and the communication but memorythe imaginationthe spatio-temporal locationthe association and the logic They are present in the exercise of reading. Without a doubt one of the greatest brain exercises. The same thing happens with the exercise of writing.
  7. Change in microhabits: eat, write, brush our teeth, comb our hair, reach objects and others are activities that we usually do with more functional hand. Practicing these activities with the less functioning hand also develops the brain synapse.
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