Seven benefits that forgiveness can bring us

Knowing how to forgive, without a doubt, is not something simple. What happens in the mind and body?

Forgiveness can be considered from different perspectives, but most of them have to do with conscious and permanent decision to ignore an offense, leave behind an attitude, action or omission that we have considered offensive for us and in response to which it is decided not to take reprisals or actions of revenge.

Forgiveness and reconciliation

We tend to confuse forgiveness with reconciliationand they are not the same. Forgiving does not imply reconciling, while reconciling does imply that forgiveness has taken place. It is also relevant to know that to forgive it is not necessary to express forgiveness, since this is a action of one’s own will, intimate and personal. However, once we have forgiven, forgiveness can surely be manifested through the actions we take.

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Forgive we do not need to forget or justify the action that violated us, offended either damage. On the contrary, by being fully aware of that action, we decided to prosecute whoever committed it. And we forgive not to forget, but to not carry resentment towards someone who hurt us.

Benefits of forgiving:

Not forgiving can cause us resentment, anger, resentment, hatred, desire for revenge, etc. That is why freeing ourselves through forgiveness can help us on a physical and mental level in the following aspects:

  1. Have healthy relationships
  2. Improve our stress level
  3. Improve our self-esteem
  4. Favor our cardiovascular health
  5. Help our mental health
  6. Prevent the depression
  7. Prevent the anxiety
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Towards forgiveness

The forgiveness It’s not an easy topic for some people., especially for those who have received greater damage. That is why it is always recommended start by recognizing the importance of forgiving and how doing so can improve our lives.

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It is also important to understand that Forgiving is a process which implies a recognition and subsequent actions of emotional self-validation. Accept our emotions, understand why we feel violated, understand that we must free that person from guilt or the control that we can exercise over it by pointing out your mistake, or decide to leave behind our role as victims to face a reconciliationare some of the elementary conditions of forgiveness.

At this time of year, forgiveness and reconciliation can be great allies.