Sensitivity Test – are you highly sensitive?



I identify with a high level of sensitivity. I cry easily. I let myself be affected by the comments that others make about my life. I am mentally weak.



Yes it’s true, I’m sensitive😑😩

Leoncio Daniel Alvarado Carranza


Are there any more detailed ones?



The truth is that I have not found a good test for people with high sensitivity, but this one takes the cake in negative. On the other hand, I do not see a unanimous definition of PAS, and it is disappointing. If my deep, analytical mind needs anything, it is rigor, and psychology disappoints me most of the time.

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I think a cynic test will do better for you.

Oliver Perez


Wow 🙁



lol it helped me



It’s a 6.25, sometimes it’s a lot, sometimes it’s a little (it took me a while to get to that little bit) even so I’m very sensitive



3.5 ..I was never so sensitive

do not care


It wasn’t a lie before I just wanted to make a joke, well it’s partly the fault of my humor which is very dark and morbid as you can see and I really try to solve it but when I started high school I became part of a group and they had my same humor and that made it intensify and sometimes it can hurt me so I apologized if I offended anyone



3.5 Is that medium for you? I mean, why should the middle be 5 or a little more… But oh well

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I got 1.5



I got 9.3



It came out low, would that explain why I can’t determine or “feel in my flesh” the feelings of others? Understand how, I understand emotions, I know when someone is happy, sad, etc. And I can advise you consistently, but when describing those emotions, it becomes impossible for me to understand terms like: Warm, Strong, Gray, etc.

Yanibel Valentin


Hello, my name is Yanibel and I am 17 years old. Because of everything I have read about people who have a high level of sensitivity, I realized that I fit in 90%. I am easily affected by everything that happens around me, both mine and others. Something makes me very sad and I get excited very quickly about anything or anyone and that usually hurts me a lot. I usually pretend to be a happy person who is always happy but not all of that is a mask. I feel rejected and unhappy and I don’t want to continue feeling that way. I feel miserable, tell me what I should do and I would really appreciate it. I await answers. Thank you for listening to me and Blessings.

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What has worked for me is to take into account that the opinion of others is their opinion, not what I really am. And both are quite valid, except that in my case, when it comes to me, my opinion is worth more than that of others because I am the one who knows myself better than everyone else. So I take it as a constructive question and depending on the topic I weigh whether I decide to take it or not.

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I understand you, beyond this test look for information about it because there is, my advice is that you need to know yourself (what you like, why you like it and if it affects third parties) because being very sensitive is a tool that you must Learn to apply your daily skills in an appropriate way. If you are sad, do not devalue your emotions because they can help you find solutions to problems from another point of view.
Being very sensitive implies that the stimuli in your environment affect you with greater intensity than standard, so if you are sad 24/7 you must pay attention to what surrounds you and to yourself because the key to many things is to know yourself (little by little, with a lot of work, with many falls but seeking to get up twice as much and fail but never give up), my advice is also to take one day at a time, one emotion at a time, one task at a time, in order to avoid an accumulation of sensations that lead to the overflow of emotions..



I don’t understand it, it’s so accurate, I entered almost as a joke and it’s almost like seeing my soul in a mirror, there must be quite interesting work behind everything, is it a mental game?



I liked it simple, I was interesting

diana rg


ps my feelings don’t lead me to anything good, you know, that’s sad because if they do something to me that influences something sentimental, I don’t notice and I get mixed feelings.’

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luis cruz


I don’t understand why I am so weak-minded and I worry about what others say about me.

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Rodolfo Martínez Montoro


I understand you Luis, I’m here for whatever you want 😉



If one decides to be more rational, would sensitivity decrease?


Hello Cristina,
No. Sensitivity is a personality trait that will not change due to the decision to be more rational. However, this decision can help regulate emotions and behavior. That is, the sensitivity will still be there but you can learn to react differently.



I liked the test.



I hardly remember anything about my son’s wedding.
I worked a lot, I went through moments of great stress. I promised myself to enjoy that very important moment.
It makes me very anxious and afraid of memory loss.
I have almost all the characteristics of being super sensitive