Salmonellosis: What are the symptoms and how to avoid the most frequent food poisoning?

an outbreak of salmonellosis in a well-known restaurant in Madrid has so far left more than 30 affected and two children admitted to the hospital.

The , according to the World Health Organization, is one of the four main causes of diarrheal diseases.

And although most of the infections it causes are mild, the severity of the disease “depends on factors specific to the host and the Salmonella serotype.”

Salmonella is a bacterial genus of the family Enterobacteriaceae.

This bacterial disease is produced by eating raw or poorly cooked food, or by contact with animals that carry this bacterium. And in the hottest months, the breaking the cold chain Food such as eggs is the main cause of this gastrointestinal infection.

Is it only transmitted by the egg?

The also clarifies that transmission from one person to another is possible and has its origin in poor hand hygiene.

And it’s good to know that asymptomatic and sick people can also be a source of infection.

But although salmonellosis has traditionally been associated with the consumption of eggs and raw or undercooked egg products (such as mayonnaise), they are not the only causes.

Raw or undercooked meat, milk and dairy products can also cause this disease.

This infection is the second most reported animal-to-human disease in the European Union. And the first cause of foodborne outbreaks in the world.

The data speaks for itself: 52,702 confirmed cases in 2020. Only in Spain (and in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic) 3,526 human cases were declared.

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What symptoms does salmonellosis cause?

It is important to clarify that symptoms appear between 6 and 72 hours after ingestion of contaminated food with Salmonella.

The disease, which has an estimated duration between 2 and 7 days and causes the following symptoms:

  • Fever (which comes on suddenly).

  • Abdominal pain.

  • Diarrhea.

  • vomiting

  • Myalgias.

  • Headache.

The main risk of salmonellosis is dehydrationespecially in young children and the elderly, which causes disease and can be life-threatening in these age groups.

The AESAN also points out that 5% of patients (mostly immunosuppressed) with this disease suffer from a systemic infection that can lead to meningitis, encephalopathy, endocarditis (when the germs enter the heart) or pneumonia.

How do you know if an egg is bad?

Although there can always be some bacteria in the container or in the egg itself, home tricks can be used to find out if an egg is in perfect condition or, on the contrary, it could be contaminated with Salmonella.

Submerge the egg in water

It is the easiest trick. For this you only need a container with water to submerge the egg, with which we will obtain three scenarios.

  • if the egg sinks fastIt is in perfect condition for consumption. However,

  • Yeah sinks slowly to the bottom should be consumed as quickly as possible and,

  • if it floatsit’s in bad condition.

boil the egg

Once you have cooked the egg, we have to cut it in half to analyze its interior. If the yolk is centered, we can eat the egg with complete peace of mind, since it is suitable for consumption.

However, if the yolk is not centered, everything indicates that it is not in good condition and could be contaminated.


Why you should never crack the egg in the pan

Cracking the egg in the same container (either in the pan or in the same bowl) is a practice that we all do, but one that can contract risks to our health.

The reason is that it could occur. If the shell is contaminated with any bacteria, it will come into contact through these kitchen utensils.

Should we wash the eggs?

No. Not even when they have traces of dirt such as feathers, straw or droppings.

If they are washed before storing in the refrigerator, the natural protective film on the shell, which is porous, is removed, and with this we would give the bacteria a “free way” to access the food and contaminate it.

In addition, it is advisable to store them in the fridge in an egg cup, isolated from the rest of the food, to avoid as far as possible the proliferation of bacteria and cross-contamination.

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