Sacrum, sacral vertebrae – Integral Health Coaching.

The lower back is part of the center of movement system.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: The sacrum is part of the base of the spine (foundations) and its main function is the distribution of the weight of the spine and the body to the pelvic girdle. It is related to what is most sacred (sacred) and fundamental of the human being. It is also related to the conflicts of the pelvis in its sacred base, sexual conflicts (incestuous) and of direction when the conflicts are also of base.

CONFLICT: Three types of conflict: Conflict of sacred moments, conflict of incest or conflict of elemental or fundamental direction.

Conflict of the sacred: the six sacred moments of a person’s life are conception, birth, becoming an adult, being parents, being grandparents and death.

In addition, we must take into account everything that is sacred to us, that is, everything on which we base ourselves to build our lives. For example, sacred things are different for a priest than for a soccer player, but both have them.

sexual conflict. Incest Conflict: When man became the strongest of the species with fire and weapons, he realized that having children in the family produced genetic dysfunction. Furthermore, the fidelity of the couple is also something sacred: “I do not have the right to make love with my brother/sister.” In addition, conflicts of depraved or wrong sexuality (such as having a child with another or another).

Direction conflict: The pelvis moves to change direction when walking. When we want to move from the basic, fundamental, “sacred” direction for us.

See also  SCLEROSIS – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

If I have difficulty in compromising with society, both from the point of view of the orientations to take and the support that I expect from it, I can experience frustration or resentment. I don’t want to deal with certain people or certain situations. My personal relationships with my environment suffer from that.

If I experience internal or external conflicts related to sex, if I have repressed my sexual energy, back pain may manifest. When the vertebrae of the sacrum are affected, I can have the feeling that I have no spine and that I need another person to support me. I am constantly “tested” by life to see what my level of integrity and honesty is.

S1, S2, S3: They react with the rigidity that I show, with my narrow-mindedness in relation to certain situations or certain people, to my closed mind that refuses to hear what others have to say. I want to be in control to feel strong and secure and if I lose it I will be angry, furious and may feel like “beating the crap out” of someone for being so frustrated and bitter.

I have the feeling of having to swim against the current and I feel at a dead end.
S4, S5 = All desires originate from the fourth and fifth vertebrae of the sacrum.

If I experience guilt, confronting my duties and my morality, judging my conduct “not correct”, S4 and S5 can react strongly.


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Brain tumor

The problems in my brain tell me that I have a tendency to want to understand with my head and my rational side all the situations I experience. I put aside my emotions that I fear to come into contact with trying to convince myself that they are useless or that they may be more harmful than useful.

See also  Biodescoding of ADDICTIONS – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Any problem in the brain is an indication of a problem at the I AM level.