RESILIENT PEOPLE: 10 characteristics and examples of improvement

Resilience is one of the most important abilities in life. This is the capacity that human beings have to overcome circumstances of adversity in their existence. For example, mourning the death of a loved one, an unexpected job layoff, heartbreak, a period of loneliness or suffering. Despite the pain experienced, the person is reborn again to joy through an ability to reinvent oneself by giving a constructive meaning to reality from the vision of learning.

In this article in Psychology-Online we address this question: “Resilient people: examples and characteristics“Every human being has this quality since, furthermore, no one knows how they will react to a given situation until they experience it in practice.

Below, we describe the main points that are part of resilience:

1. Social network of friends and family

Resilient people they don’t close in on themselves. They are autonomous, however, they do not make this proactive attitude an individualistic self-sufficiency but rather they nourish their lives with emotional ties of collaboration and affection. That does not mean that one person is more resilient than another because they have more people around them. What is truly definitive is the quality of the bond and the constructive influence of that environment on the protagonist.

2. A creative inner world

When external reality shows its less friendly side, the protagonist can not only attend to the reading of the facts but can also take refuge in that universe that he cultivates through self-knowledge, art, reading, emotions and a felt life. through one’s own point of view. That is, they are people who do not stay on the surface of things but rather they reach the depth of being.

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3. Adaptation to change

When reality changes, even when this alteration of external factors has occurred against the will, the protagonist positions himself before a map of reality that involves him in an experiential way. The resilient people They carry out this process of change with the support of that social network described above.

4. Emotional intelligence

In situations of adversity, contradictory sensations can occur, just as there is room for feelings linked to sadness. A resilient person does not cover up this emotional reality but rather integrates it into his or her life, giving space to listen to that information that has a message to express. Therefore, we can affirm that It is a characteristic of the most resilient people.

5. They look to the future

It is impossible to make vital changes by focusing on yesterday since the past is already written. Resilient people look to tomorrow with hope and focus on the present. For example, new goals are set to reach.

6. They waste little time complaining

Complaints are very human, however, a resilient person is the protagonist of their destiny, even when experiencing a period of pain. Therefore, it does not wear out chronically through mental rumination and constant complaining.

7. Sense of humor

The laughter and smile They are medicinal elements that reinforce strength in overcoming a sad event. When a person experiences a moment of maximum pain, the space for humor is less than that which occurs in joy. However, this ingredient is present even in small doses.

8. Gratitude

Even in pain, the resilient person is aware that they have reasons to give thanks to life. For example, for the comforting hug of that friend, for the company of the closest people or for the happiness experienced so far.

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9. They ask for help when they need it

They do not wait for others to guess their thoughts but rather take care of themselves by asking for help on their own initiative through clear messages to others.

10. Empathy

They are persons with sensitivity and empathy not only towards others, but also towards themselves.