Pregnancy test: how and when to do it?

The pregnancy test is the easiest and fastest system when faced with a delay in menstruation. This test will tell you if conception has occurred or not.

For this it is very important do the test well, that the result does not raise doubts and that we dispel from our heads the repetitive questions that so many nerves and insecurities produce: did I have done the test well? Can I trust what comes out on the pregnancy test? Have I done it too soon? The truth is that the result is reliable if the test has been carried out correctly.

We present some keys to perform your pregnancy test correctly

Choose the right day

Choosing the day on which we take the test well is something fundamental and basic, since the test it only detects the pregnancy hormone fifteen days after conception. If done sooner, the test could give a false negative. That is to say: it is necessary to wait for a delay of at least one day for the result to be reliable.

There are different types of tests on the market, and some of them are capable of determining if there is a pregnancy from the first week after conception, in other words, knowing it before having the first absence. You must bear in mind that in most of the tests the hormones tend to go unnoticed if they are performed before the first delay.

The case of women with irregular cycles it is a bit more complex: they may have become pregnant days later than they estimate and even so the test can interpret it as a false negative. In these situations, it is best repeat the test .

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What types of tests are on the market?

Pregnancy test in: Maximum reliability. They detect levels as low as 10mUI/ml. Q: 7.95 euros + VAT

Pregnancy test, newer and easier to use and know the result. Between 12 and 15 euros.

DIGITAL indicates if you have become pregnant and how many weeks ago conception occurred. Approx: 12.00 euros.

The pregnancy test is ultrasensitive, since it detects 10mlU/mL. Price: 7.99 euros.

Pregnancy test, in Strip format and Mid Stream format. One unit 3.80 euros

Just woke up, the right time

Although all pregnancy tests can be performed at any time of the day, it is recommended to do so with the first urine of the morning since it contains a higher concentration of hormones.

Do not worry if the intensity of the line is low: if the mark indicated by the package appears, it means that you are pregnant. This method is that reliable: the test cartridges integrate an absorbent strip that reacts with the hCG Hormone, the chorionic gonadotropin hormone. In addition, some tests reaffirm us if we have done the test well.

When to repeat the test

If the result is positive, you can be sure that you are pregnant. Sometimes pregnancies occur outside the uterus (ectopic) or pregnancies without an embryo (anembrionated) that despite the fact that they increase the presence of the hormone, the pregnancy is not real.

If the result has been negative but the period still does not appear, the test must be repeated five days after the first test.

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