Physical and psychological effects of feeling ignored

Being ignored is an increasingly common problem, especially with the use of social networks as the main tool to communicate with loved ones.

The fact that, in romantic, friendship or other types of relationships, arguments or annoyances arise due to the fact that the other person leaves their interlocutor “in blue”, speaking specifically of WhatsApp, is repeated. However, in the face-to-face exchange of messages, different signs of indifference can also occur, such as yawning, distractions, among others.

In this sense, it was reviewed by a study from the University of Indianapolis where the effects of indifference on the mind and body were analyzed.

“When people make an effort to attract attention, such as in a speech or in a relationship, and fail, they lose self-esteem and gain feelings of confusion by not recognizing a clear argument in the face of indifference,” commented Dr. George Krucik in the research.

What other negative effects did you find in the study?

  • Sleep disorders.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Dysphoria.
  • Apathy.
  • Habit changes.

To counteract indifference, you must evaluate your own behavior to find out the possible reasons why people are ignoring you and thus take action.

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