Parasites – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Parasites are animal or plant organisms that live, permanently or temporarily, at the expense of another living species, without destroying it.

It is said that the vast majority of human beings have parasites to varying degrees, in a more or less harmful way. It is interesting to note that we call a human who lives at the expense of another a parasite, when he could satisfy his needs himself.

The person who has parasites allows himself to be parasitized by others, and above all, by his thoughts and his way of living.

Children have many of them because they are too invaded by the adult world. They feel compelled to try not to be themselves so that adults will like them. It also often happens that a person catches parasites during a trip to another country.

Biological Sense: Parasites take advantage only of an organism’s surplus energy.

Conflict: Conflict of handing over power.

Conflict of feeling abused and parasitized by others. Feeling that they live off of us, or on the contrary, feeling like someone’s parasite.

Your body tells you that no one can parasitize you if you don’t let them. Only you can let yourself be invaded. You don’t need to make an effort to BE someone else, believing that they will love you more. You have everything it takes to be a person worthy of being loved and accepted. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

Do not let in any useless thoughts or beliefs, just as you would not let anyone into your house.

See also  /sanarlasheridas/category/biodiccionario-de-enfermedades-y-sintomas/page/2/?amp

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