MyTherapy, a free app that helps chronic patients to follow the treatment –

/p>According to the World Health Organization, 50% of the medication prescribed to the chronically ill is not taken correctly or not taken at all. The result is a lower quality of life for affected patients and an avoidable cost for the healthcare system.

To put an end to this problem, the German firm Smartpatient has developed the free app MyTherapy, available in Spanish so much for .
Thanks to this app, anyone suffering from a chronic disease or disorder -hypertension, diabetes, psoriasis, cystic fibrosis, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, etc.- can have a smartphone on their virtual health assistant that will remind you what medicines to take and when to take them.
It also allows you to configure notifications for physical exercise, as well as carry a recording of the vital signs and symptoms of the patient (blood pressure, blood sugar, weight…).
In this way, the user obtains a report of his health that he can share with his doctor so that he knows What has been your evolution since your last visit? and can review or modify treatment if necessary.
The is endorsed by leading medical institutions such as the Charité University of Berlin wave Kilinikum Rechts in Munichwhich ensure compliance with the most recent medical advances.

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