Meditation to connect with your unconscious – Integral Health Coaching.

Start by finding a quiet, comfortable place where you can sit or lie down without interruption.

Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breathing, taking a few slow, deep breaths to relax.

Visualize a path stretching out before you, surrounded by a calm and serene landscape.

Walk down the path, feeling how each step brings you closer to the door. Feel the texture of the ground under your feet and listen to the sounds of the environment. Feel how your body relaxes and your mind calms down.

Imagine that this path leads to a door, which represents access to your unconscious.

When you get to the door, take a moment to look at it. Visualize what the door is like, its details and colors. Then imagine that you open the door and walk into a bright and welcoming room.

In this room, feel how your unconscious is waiting to talk to you. It may appear in the form of a person or simply a loving and wise presence.

Allow your unconscious to speak to you, whether through words, images, or sensations. Don’t worry if what you receive seems confusing or unfamiliar, just listen carefully and non-judgmentally, allowing yourself to connect with your inner wisdom.

You can ask your unconscious questions about any problem or issue you are facing. Allow the answers to come to you intuitively, without striving to find them. Trust that your unconscious will guide you to the answers you need.

When you have finished talking to your unconscious, be thankful for the experience and for the wisdom you have received. Take a few moments to breathe deeply and relax.

When you feel ready, leave the room and close the door behind you. Walk back down the path, feeling yourself move into the present with the wisdom you have received.

Take a deep breath, and when you feel ready, slowly open your eyes and come back to the present.

See also  Scoliosis – Integral Health Coaching.

I hope this meditation has helped you connect with your unconscious and find the wisdom you need right now.


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