Breathing and emotional regulation – Integral Health Coaching.

Breathing is regulated by emotions. Stress and anxiety affect our ability to breathe properly, and that, in turn, affects the health and well-being of our bodies and brains. By consciously focusing on how we breathe during times of difficulty and using guided breathing techniques, we can reduce our stress and anxiety levels, become more aware, focused and productive. It also makes us healthier.


A 2017 study published in the journal Frontiers Psychology demonstrated the effect of deep breathing on stress, emotional regulation, and cognitive performance. Researchers found that long, deep breaths that stretch the diaphragm muscles and get plenty of oxygen into the bloodstream help reduce feelings of anxiety, reduce the production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, and improve brain power. to better synchronize your various centers, concentrate and think more clearly.

What this means in practical terms is that when you feel stress and anxiety, both internal conditions that are a direct response to external environmental stimuli, you can take steps to mitigate their impact and control how you feel.


Make sure you’re sitting somewhere and comfortable, then practice the three-step breathing method:

Take 10-20 quick, deep breaths and exhale quickly. You may feel a bit dizzy, but that’s perfectly normal.

Now take a deep breath. As deep as you can go, so that you really fill your lungs to the max. Hold that breath until you absolutely have to breathe again.

See also  Hypochondria – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Finally take one more deep breath. Hold this slow count to 10. Release slowly, fully emptying your lungs.

You can repeat this if you want two or three times, without interruption.