Meanings of the color yellow

Yellow is a color that has many shades, ranging from the lightest to the most intense, and in all of them it has a special characteristic brightness, as it is commonly associated with the sun and the light emitted by the maximum solar star as it is.

It has been indicated that its name comes from the Latin amarēllus, and it is thought that it was adapted due to the color that the skin and mucous membranes take due to the increase in bilirubin, so it has to do with illness, but yellow has more meanings.

Positive meanings of yellow

  • Energy
  • Happiness
  • Humor
  • Youth
  • Creativity
  • Loyalty
  • Optimism
  • Honor
  • Authenticity

One of the main meanings of yellow has to do with the fact that it turns out to be very energizing, causing happiness and good mood in most people.

In the same way, it represents youth and creativity, with many cartoons and youth series featuring yellow characters.

Positive meanings are added to the color yellow such as loyalty, optimism, honor and authenticity, since that is what it evokes.

Negative meanings of yellow

  • Avarice
  • Jealousy
  • Disease
  • Selfishness
  • Envy
  • Treason

It is difficult to think that a color as radiant as yellow symbolizes something negative, however, it is also greed, jealousy, illness, selfishness, envy and betrayal.

Other meanings of the color yellow

  • Meanings of yellow in psychology. The color yellow generates certain sensations in those who see it. This, to a greater extent, can overwhelm and irritate a person. In the right proportion it is joy and excitement.
  • Meanings of yellow in advertising. It is used to attract attention at first glance, a key fact for advertising in any sector, especially in businesses related to fast food, considered an appetite stimulant.
  • Meaningyellow in feng shui. The main function of feng shui is to generate a positive influence by reorganizing spaces, and with yellow, which is a color of the earth element, warmth and joy are added.
  • Meaning of yellow in religion. According to the Bible, yellow represents the golden key to the Kingdom of Heaven, as well as divine wisdom and love. In addition, it is one of the representative colors of Buddhism.
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History and symbology of the color yellow

  • In the time of Ancient Greece, people spread yellow dye on their hair with the intention of making it blonde, since by then, gods they believed in, such as Helius and Apollo, were represented with such a shade of hair.
  • Yellow has been used to show support for people with endometriosis, as well as sarcoma cancer, Down syndrome, and in support of those who adopt or to prevent suicide.
  • In the 16th century, at the height of the inquisition, those accused as heretics by the Catholic Church were forced to wear yellow capes to identify them.