Meanings of 18 heart emoji by color and more

Emoji are a key part of the communication that takes place through various instant messaging platforms, especially WhatsApp and Telegram, but also others.

Among the most used, hearts stand out, and there are more than one, it is important that you know which ones are meanings of heart emoji according to their color or characteristics.

So that you can send them more appropriately with the , and even know in the same way the direct or indirect messages that users send you along with them, knowing what they mean.

Heart emojis by color

  • Red heart. It is one of the most used hearts, which due to its color mainly symbolizes love or affection, although red in general is also romance, passion and even desire.
  • Orange heart. With this heart we mean that unconditional love is given to the other, mainly when we talk about friendships.
  • Yellow heart. Called the heart of gold because of how brilliant and significant it is, it is associated with sincere, selfless and real love.
  • Blue Heart. Its meaning can have a double meaning, since, on the one hand, it represents a love that has gone out, but on the other, an eternal love, which, despite being transformed, will be forever.
  • Green heart. It is a heart that reflects hope, because green is a color related to this meaning.
  • Purple heart. It turns out to be the symbol of those who love each other and want to be together, but cannot, or who, being together, should not, basically, a forbidden love.
  • Black heart. It is a suitable color to express sadness and pain, sometimes seen as a sign of mourning due to the role that the color black usually plays in the face of loss.
  • White Heart. The use of this heart is unusual, however, due to its color, it is equal to purity, which can denote pure love without having to do with romance.
  • Brown heart. Depending on the perspective, it looks like a sweet chocolate heart or rather a heart of love towards nature for being so present in it.
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More features of these emoji

  • Broken heart. It is the quintessential emoji of heartbreak, which can be the representation of the pain felt in the romantic sense.
  • Floating heart. We have with this heart, a love from afar, or perhaps in only one sense, that is, it is not reciprocal, but it is there.
  • Separate hearts. They are two hearts that are distanced physically, but equally, emotionally.
  • United hearts. The difference with this emoji is that there is love that unites hearts despite the distance.
  • Heart with beat. It expresses very well the heartbeat that is felt when there is love.
  • Growing heart. It is a love that only grows towards the person to whom it is sent.
  • Heart with stars. Special loves, that are unlike any other, are demonstrated with this heart.
  • Arrow heart. It is easy to know that a heart with arrows is one that experiences falling in love.
  • Heart with bow. It is an ideal emoji for those who are willing to give their heart to another for love.