Rainbow colors How is it formed? What meanings does it have?

The word rainbow comes from the union of the term arch, which refers to the shape due to its continuous curve, and the term iris, which is related to the multicolored lights that we see in this natural phenomenon.

It is also classified as an optical-meteorological phenomenon, since certain conditions are then visible in the environment.

How many colors does a rainbow have?

There are seven colors in a rainbow in total, which are always positioned the same, the order of the colors of the rainbow being as follows:

  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Indigo
  • Violet

These colors come from white light, and this white light is in turn the union of all the aforementioned colors of the rainbow.

How is a rainbow produced?

How rainbows were created in the sky was a mystery for centuries until Isaac Newton performed an experiment with a prism that provided answers.

Thanks to the prism you can change the direction of the light, refract it through the glass of this object, reflecting and decomposing the light.

In simple words, for a rainbow to occur, the presence of both the sun and rain at the same time in the sky is essential.

Normally, when it rains, the sky becomes cloudy, but when this does not happen, the sun’s rays are intercepted by water droplets.

In this way, the sun’s rays pass through the water particles suspended in the atmosphere and break it down into various colors.

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In other more technical words, water acts as a prism, whether it reaches the light, or natural light reaches the water, ultimately decomposing the light, which as we know is white, to create the spectrum of visible colors, which It is called as rainbow.

Uses of rainbow colors

There are many meanings of the colors of the rainbow by association. For example, red is synonymous with passion and love. Orange represents joy and vitality. Yellow is happiness. Green expresses hope. Blue means tranquility. Indigo is respect. And purple reflects magic.

However, the colors of the rainbow together can represent different movements or groups, having a broader meaning:

  • LGBT. He is represented with the colors of the rainbow, at first with eight, then with the seven we have talked about, but currently with six. Red is for life, orange for health, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, indigo for tranquility and violet for spirit.
  • Religion. In various religions, but above all, Catholic and Christian religions, the rainbow is the representation of God’s alliance with people in general.
  • Childhood. Rainbows are elements arranged in furniture, objects, accessories and children’s clothing, being present in the .