Manual activities favor active aging

Aware that performing manual exercises on a daily basis allows manual dexterity to be maintained and daily activities to be carried out more actively, the Albertia Lugo Residence has implemented a specific manual skills workshop in which residents work on fine motor skills in a playful way. with various games created especially for this workshop.

And it is that with the passage of time many older people tend to reduce their physical activity. That is why performing manual activities can cost them more and becomes something that is put aside. AND Talking about manual skills is talking about fine motor skillsas indicated from .

Manual activities favor active aging by exercising various capacities at all levels

Motor skills are essentially movement. Motor acts begin with the gross Motricity, which is the displacement of the whole body in space. Continue with the medium motor skills, which is the movement of the body and limbs without changing place. and ends with the fine motor, which would be the turns, twists and rotations of arms, hands and fingers. Within fine motor skills are framed the manual skillswhich include all those activities that require a precision and a higher level of coordination.

This type of manual activities favor active aging. In addition, they exercise various capacities at all levels. TO physical level They help to work especially the hands and to be aware of movements that require skill or precision. TO functional level Detailed and repetitive movements are worked on that have an impact on the capacities that a person uses in the activities of daily life. Also to emotional level, since doing pleasant tasks stimulates self-confidence and the feeling of being able to do something increases personal self-esteem. Already psychological levelor, since you work on aspects that can be improved such as concentration, memory and attention.

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