Kind behavior: what it is and what are its characteristics

Kindness is usually defined as a trait of a person’s personality and is generally considered a favorable condition, although this is not always the case. Here we tell you about it.

Kindness as a personality trait

According to some psychologists, kindness makes part in configurations of what we call “personality”. Being kind has to do with a position kind and optimistic in front of those around us. Kindness is also usually related to a high degree of empathybecause kind people usually put common interests above their own.

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People who have a high degree of agreeableness tend to be people altruisticperform well in interpersonal social conditions and avoid confrontation or altercations. They are good at conflict resolution as mediators or facilitators and are generous in such roles.


The following are some of the characteristics where kind people have high performance.

  1. Empathy
  2. Trust
  3. Altruism
  4. Conciliation
  5. Modesty
  6. Sincerity

These characteristics, according to some specialists, occur at different stages of psychosocial development, and usually originate from childhood. However, it is common for people whose strongest personality trait is kindness are manipulated by others, or other people want to take advantage of them. In that sense, kindness is not entirely a beneficial trait, since the behaviors envious, aggressive and so on are frequent.

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However, kindness is rated as a trait generally beneficial even in the workplace. Apparently, the trait of agreeableness is associated with career success. Although there are also nuances in this. There are professions in which kindness is not completely understood as a positive characteristic and the opposite seems to be required: a somewhat more hostile character.

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In any case, a person who is considers kind, he must ensure his physical well-being and mental and try balance your emotions and behaviors to avoid facing negative consequences of this defining trait of their personality.

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