Kidney Ailments – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

The kidneys help maintain the balance of the volume and pressure of body fluids, which is why one of their messages indicates a lack of balance on the emotional level. The person who has a kidney problem shows a lack of discernment or a difficulty in making decisions regarding her needs. Often this is an overly emotional person who cares a lot about others.

Any sick kidney indicates that the person does not feel capable, even powerless, either in what is proposed or in relation to another person. Often feels injustice in difficult situations. It is also possible that she allows herself to be influenced too much by the beliefs of others and that, in wanting to help them, she lacks discernment for herself, that she does not know how to distinguish what is good for her from what is not.

You have a tendency to idealize a situation or a person and get frustrated when your expectations are not met. He easily criticizes others or situations, accusing them of being unfair. In the long run you can become a victim of life, having more and more expectations regarding others.

CONFLICT: Not being able to internally delimit the territory (similar to identity conflict). Example: “not knowing which opinion to adhere to.”

EMIGRANTS: Conflict of roots + existential (the most intimate territory, out of their element).

CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE (CRI): “How many times do we ask ourselves if something or someone is good or bad for me every day?” “Is it vital for me to worry about this?”

See also  Cancer (in general) – Integral Health Coaching.

LIQUIDITY = Money. The key is familiar (real or symbolic).

EXISTENTIAL FEARS: “What am I doing here on earth?” “What am I good for?”

CALCULATIONS: Put a wall before something. Someone occupies my territory and it is impossible for me to mark it, delimit it. I forbid myself something.

PARENCHYMA: Collapse conflict + liquid. Rejection = “I am no longer worth anything.”

ALCOHOLIC: “I recover my patterns” = Collapse. I recover love in my blood ties. Feeling of having to fight for my existence.

The kidney generally expresses conflicts of:

– Money problems (liquidity), or real (water, gasoline, milk).

– Need for recognition in the family.

– Need to choose between good and bad.

– Existential fear.

– I am in danger of death. For some it will be money, for others it will be to exist (existential conflict).

– Loss of references. Crumbling of existence.


– Sir, he had cramps every time he paid his ex-wife the monthly payment.

– A woman who tells that at the age of 14 her father said: I am going to separate from your mother. She feels that everything is falling apart “the ground opens under my feet.”

– Woman who recounts her loss of references with the death of her father. Chronic kidney disease. “My father was everything.”

– When an adult makes sand, the programming is childish. Children always make sand, never stone.

– Overweight woman. She feels in danger every day, because my husband is very verbally violent. She doesn’t know how to talk to him or what to tell him.

See also  Lymph nodes – Integral Health Coaching.

– Woman with enormous edema in the legs. Her husband is cheating on her, “I’m not worth anything anymore”, he left with her secretary. I don’t take care of myself.

The more serious your kidney problem is, the more urgent and important is the message your body is sending you: it wants to help you reestablish contact with your inner power and stop believing that you cannot face difficult situations like others. Believing that life is unfair to you prevents you from seeing your inner strength. You are too busy comparing yourself to others and criticizing.

Your great sensitivity is misused; Your intense mental activity makes you experience many negative emotions, and this prevents you from achieving the necessary discernment that would give you the balance you need to face the most difficult situations.

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