Cancer (in general) – Integral Health Coaching.

Cancer is one of the major diseases of the twentieth century. Abnormal cancer cells develop and, because the immune system does not react to these cells, they proliferate rapidly.

Human beings frequently have pre-cancerous cells in their bodies but the immune system, that is, our body’s natural defense system, takes care of them before they become cancerous. It is because these abnormal cells develop in an uncontrolled and incessant way that they can damage the functioning of an organ or tissue, thus being able to affect vital parts of the organism.

According to Dr. Hamer, cancer is caused by SDH (Dirck Hamer Syndrome) which represents an emotional shock received in solitude or psychological isolation a few months before the onset of cancer. The location of the tumor will depend on the event and its experience (the emotional interpretation). Cancer will therefore be a biological response to an open conflict.

CONFLICT: All Cancers have an identity conflict in which we are not who we would like to be. We must ask ourselves, what is it that we do not want to see die? (old age, work, a relationship, a thought…).

Cancer patients are usually people who hold some kind of long-term resentment or pending emotional problems with the past, believing that it is something innocuous, normal, or simply that it is impossible to change the way they see it, think about it, or feel about it. And obviously, they are deeply hurt by all of that.

See also  stye – Integral Health Coaching.

A cancer usually has several programming conflicts and a trigger. It is important to unravel the “plot” of conflicts, but there is an urgency, and in that a RADICAL change in attitudes, decisions, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, reactions that we have carried out up to now is important.

As Enric Corbera rightly says: “We must turn our lives around like a sock”.

A very important attitude to keep in mind is the following: We must recognize that we suffered as a child and we must give ourselves permission to reject one or both of our parents. The wounds experienced in solitude create the vast majority of problems. We must forgive, but without forgetting that the biggest difficulty for people with cancer is forgiving themselves for having harbored those hateful thoughts or those ideas of revenge.

We must forgive the child who lives in us, who lived in silence and felt anger and resentment without having someone to support him, who understood him. And we need to stop thinking that rejecting another person means being “bad.” It’s not evil, it’s human.

If to be cured I must (for example) go north, but the people who love me do not want to go north, then I must make a decision: Either I stay with the people who love me, or I am going to be cured.

In the end, everything revolves around the same epicenter, realizing that it is correct to be who we are.

Although we have not had the opportunity to realize the “why” we are who we are, the world revolves around a direction and we are part of that direction.

See also  Lice – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

I have projected my reality onto those around me, and they return it to me as a mirror, behaving as I think I deserve. If I want to break with everything and renew “my reality” I must get away from those repetitive, unconscious inertias that have caused me pain.

I avoid giving myself love and appreciation because I think I don’t deserve it. My will to live becomes almost nil. I feel useless. “What’s the use of living?” It’s my way of ending life. I destroy myself and here it is a suicide in disguise. I have the feeling of having “failed” my life and I see this as a failure.

The affected body part gives me explanations about the nature of my problem(s): this indicates which are the mental schemes or attitudes that I must adopt to make the disease disappear. I must get back in touch with my inner “I” and accept myself as I am, with my qualities, my defects, my strengths and my weaknesses.

The acceptance of my disease is essential so that I can then “fight”. If I refuse to accept my illness, how can I be cured?

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Childhood illnesses