iSalus presents Ekon Health, its new healthcare management software

The technology consultancy Isalus has launched a new ERP, or software of comprehensive health management, for public and private hospitals that is characterized by automating and making care processes more efficient and counteracting the problems derived from possible errors, delays in care, interventions, and operational inefficiencies.

Ekon Health, the new Isalus software, manages appointments, hospitalization, nursing management, the patient’s clinical history, pharmacy consumption, etc. In addition, it is a tool that manages all the document management for the specialist in a single piece of data, with three specific purposes:

  • increase efficiency, (fewer resources more productivity)
  • improve collection
  • improve the quality of patient care

Isalus has launched Ekon Health, Your comprehensive healthcare management software for public and private hospitals

The new software implements a global health history that responds to the care centers in their different areas of activityso much clinical as administrativeand integrating the medical activity with financial managementbecoming a management and differential analysis tool for the clinical and managerial areas of the centers.

EkonHealth has one Multidisciplinary EHR that addresses the different types of centers (consultations, surgical, mental health and socio-sanitary) and all its areas of activityamong which are emergencies, hospitalization, consultations, operating room management, infirmaries, single-dose pharmacy, care plans, assessments, administrative and care workstations.

It should also be noted that Ekon covers end to endnot only at a transversal level, but to all the subsectors that fall under a HISbeing able to serve a center that focus not only on the care of the fragile patient but on everything that is involved in a hospital environment.

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Facing the challenge of aging

In the field of frail patients, it should be noted that according to official sources, Spain is the third oldest country in Europe, and in 2,050 it will be the first. There is close to 1,400,000 people with dependency, a 3% of the population, which undoubtedly makes us wonder how we will face this challenge, since in the 2,050 It is estimated that a third of the population is in the segment of people over 65 years of age.

This aging of the population will lead in the future to having to provide quality care to more patients/users with fewer professionalsso since iSalus they affirm that one must work and seek innovative solutions, for which technological innovation undoubtedly plays a determining role.

In this context, Isalus works on interaction platforms “Patient Channel” through telecare and accessibility immediately to the documentation for the patient, which allow in an agile and optimal way to facilitate any type of procedure with the patients, both at the administrative, such as healthcare-clinicalwhose final objective is still savings for organizations, an improvement in patient care and a great step in the level of quality of care provided.


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