If I have high uric acid, what should I eat, and what not, to lower it quickly?

He uric acid It is a chemical compound that is generated naturally in our body, as a result of the breakdown of a substance called purine, which is found in small amounts in urine.

Most of it, around 80% of the purine, is eliminated daily through the urine.

But, if it is not possible to expel this excess of uric acid, it produces hyperuricemiawhich is nothing more than excess uric acid in the blood.

As the (SEMI) explains:

  • “Uric acid can accumulate in different parts of the body such as the joints, kidneys, or soft tissues. And if it accumulates in the joints, the formation of uric acid crystals occurs, which are responsible for inflammation and swelling “.

Above 6 mg/dL, in women, or 7 mg/dL in the case of men, we are facing high uric acid levels freepik

Having high uric acid levels cannot always be avoided with a healthy lifestyle, since it is an alteration that has an important genetic basis.

It can also be caused by other diseases such as kidney failure, or by treatments such as chemotherapy.

But, as is well known, food plays a key role.

Recommended levels of uric acid

Uric acid levels can be checked through a blood test or through a urine test in a sample collected over 24 hours.

The levels at which the amount of uric acid is considered to be acceptable are:

  • In women, from 2 to 4 mg/dL.

  • In men, up to 6.8 mg/dL.

When the level exceeds the following levels, we are facing hyperuricemia that can cause severe pain in the joints:

  • In women, above 6 mg/dL.

  • In men, more than 7 mg/dL.

The symptoms of gout are severe pain, redness, and a feeling of warmth. freepik

uric acid and gout

If uric acid levels in the blood exceed what is recommended, and are not controlled for a long time, it can cause what is commonly known as .

According to the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER), some 800,000 people suffer from gout in Spain, that is, 2.4% of the total population.

This occurs when monosodium urate (uric acid) crystals form in the joints or white tissues. Generally, the joints most affected by this disease are the big toe, ankle, and knee.

But, as the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine points out, “it is important to clarify that an individual with hyperuricemia does not have to present gout.”

The symptoms are:

  • Severe pain (usually starting at night) and swelling of one or more joints.

  • Redness and sensation of heat in the affected area.

  • Touch sensitivity.

  • Fever.

As the specialists emphasize:

  • “Tophi can appear in the joint, which are bumps that form around the joint as a result of the progressive accumulation of some crystals on top of others. These formations are painless, but they can ulcerate or fistulize (form a fistula) letting out a whitish substance.”

The consequences can be joint deformation, chronic pain and loss of mobility.

Sausage is one of the foods with the highest uric acid freepik

Diet to lower uric acid levels

It is important to maintain a varied and balanced diet and:

  • Drink at least two liters of water a day

  • Prioritize the consumption of fruits and vegetables

  • Do physical exercise every day.

The foods most and least rich in purines own elaboration

However, there are certain foods that can help us lower uric acid levels.

  • shellfish. It is one of the foods considered “forbidden” for people with high uric acid. And it is true that you should moderate your consumption, especially prawns and prawns, which are the products that have the most purines along with mussels, clams, oysters and scallops. On the other side of the coin, lobster, lobster and shrimp, are the ones that concentrate the least purines.
  • Blue Fish. Salmon, tuna or sardines are the blue fish with the most purines, and you can substitute other foods rich in healthy fats, such as avocado or extra virgin olive oil. In order not to restrict the consumption of fish in the diet, you can opt for white, lean and without purines, ideal for people with high uric acid.
  • Red meat. It is one of the foods that should be avoided at all costs. And especially the offal, since 100 grams of gizzards provide 1,320 mg of uric acid.
  • sausages. They are the other enemy of uric acid. The chorizo, the sausage, the loin… These are products considered by specialists as foods with a high content. In this case, you can eat, for example, ham or turkey breast.
  • Legumes. The nutritional properties of legumes are innumerable and, therefore, they are a food that should not be missing from our diet. However, lentils or chickpeas are legumes with the highest purine content (per 100 grams, between 100-200 mg). You should limit your consumption and opt for those with a lower content, such as beans.

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