I feel like my life has NO MEANING, what can I do?

L. Manteiga Pousa


As long as there is life there is hope and As long as there is life there is hopelessness. Both are usually valid. The two usually go together. A certain hopelessness can be good. Don’t get false illusions. If you don’t expect great things, don’t despair of them either. Live without hope but do not despair.



I feel that nothing I do for my family is worth it, my husband keeps insulting me every chance he gets, he says that I’m of no use, that I’m a brainless person and that I’m an idiot, I don’t know what to do anymore, sometimes I’ve felt that he has reason that I am nothing I want to die because I do everything for my family and nothing has helped

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You are worth a lot as a woman, everything you say is not you, it is only and only the person who tells you and vomits it at you because it is the opposite, you are good because you are there because you are hurting yourself but you must open your eyes that’s all… You are a good woman with your own abilities that God gave you, a person who speaks badly towards another, for example, your husband is just a fight with a mirror where he sees himself angry and angry because he cannot deal with his problem, which I am sure will fix it. ..someone who is responsible for offending another human being is deceiving himself, that is not what he says, he is only talking about his own frustration… having understood that this attitude is not healthy since they are insults, that is, if you only Sending negative things towards another means that something is bad in that person because if he were healthy then he would not waste time on something toxic but rather he will consider your capacity and will seek to improve himself, many times moving away in order to heal if he cannot. at your side…friend, if you do not live in balance with your partner, you are having behaviors where you are carrying a lot of negative load that is not yours and you are going to explode and that is not the idea, that is why we must analyze more about the pain and Find a way to get out of that situation, whether by talking to him or by seeking professional help…



It makes me very sad that I can’t find a direction in life.



Hello, I am 17 years old, I turned 14 on August 14, 2022, I am in high school, I just entered third grade.
All this about feeling lifeless without emotions, zero interest in things or people, started when between the third semester, the first and second, I felt more alive than ever, I was happy, I had or have the truth, I don’t know what made me feel so attracted to her. I pulled up my pants and sat next to her and started talking to her. I made a nice friendship with her. I loved her. She was the only person who made me feel so good. Everything else didn’t matter. I just wanted to be with her. We talked every day. days without fail it was something beautiful but everything started to go downhill at the end of the second semester I started to feel dry as we talked about everything we laughed about everything but I didn’t want to talk to him anymore I don’t know why then we went on vacation and when we came back in he didn’t want to talk with her not because I didn’t love her but because I was not going to say even a hello, she is very happy or that’s what I want to think or believe in my mind and I am a person who does not define herself as she is and who truly feels.
We have talked a little with laughter and everything but it is not the same, it is more like being kind and cordial than truly feeling something.
I think I had the opportunity to tell her that she wanted to be my girlfriend and I didn’t, why? I don’t know, but if I want to talk to her I want it to be like before laughing and singing and dancing, Jeanette’s song I am a rebel identifies me as wanting to live once but I only see how she is in love with a boy and all I have left is to see how Things fall apart in front of me without me doing anything.

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Hello, in my case I feel that my life has no meaning even why I came to this world, I feel alone and by chance I see this article, I felt like telling my story, the woman I now live with is the mother of my 1 year old daughter. and a half, she has absorbed my energy, she is very jealous, she doesn’t let me have friends, she jealous of everyone from work to home, I can’t stay even 5 minutes, she has everything under control, I feel like my life is torture, they will tell me it’s easy x that you don’t finish many times I told him to live his life and. Let him get out of my home and I will give him my daughter’s pension or else she will leave me. My daughter, let her lead her life, I wouldn’t ask her for anything, since I have more possibilities than her because I was able to start a sneaker business and I have a job, yes, but I am a very hard-working, very responsible person, I don’t make her miss anything. She never lacked food, but Ami killed me, I no longer feel anything with her until I have sex, I just do it. Without love I don’t feel anything for her because with your attitude I kill my feelings, I’ve already told her like 1 million times to leave, she doesn’t want to leave, now I just acted next to her, I don’t feel anything, I’m tired. Because I am a hard-working person and do my part as a man, and she is the opposite. Ami is lazy, when she came home from work I have to make dinner many times, I tried to help her, I told her what was wrong, I wanted to send her to therapy, she told me that she is not crazy. Seriously, everything I say to her is for real fights in front of her, I don’t talk to anyone, I feel more alone because I have never lost friends, I would like someone, a girl for friendship, I would like something more

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I really can’t stand it, I’m 20 and I don’t know what to do with my life, only bad jobs, I don’t have money or grades for university, I don’t find a calling for anything, I don’t like anything, I feel that whatever I do, I don’t do Think, anything doesn’t make the slightest sense, as living beings we have no direction other than to exist until mass extinction. It makes me angry that I wasn’t born in a place with more economic resources, with more job opportunities to stop thinking. so much stupidity, I can’t stand my shitty family full of disgusting people who don’t know how to wash even a spoon, they don’t know how to use a fucking bathroom, it crosses my mind to do a mass murder that I will never do because I wouldn’t want to go to jail, either. I would commit suicide to avoid harming the only respectable family member who is my mother. I hate everything, I don’t want anything anymore, I really give up, I wish I lived in dreams, it is the only place where my conscience reaches peace, I just want to live to finish reading and see works of art that distract me from rotten reality , I made the decision to only live for that, although it doesn’t make sense, it is the only way to feel pleasure, I no longer even feel pleasure when touching myself, I have never been with anyone because I spread my negativity and didn’t meet expectations, I got bored of everything.

Joan Gustavo


I’m going through a very hard time. Anguish and anxiety affect me a lot. Reading this article lifts my spirits and helps me while waiting. I have an appointment with a psychologist but since she is in a public hospital. The waiting list is long



I didn’t get here by chance, I feel like I’m going to explode inside, I’m angry taking it out on my son and husband, I don’t feel full or excited, I don’t like anything. I lost a pregnancy and that made me worse. I have a feeling of hatred and disagreement with myself. I never want to leave the house and I’m a little young. I’m 36 years old but I just feel like crying and dying. What I feel is terrible. I don’t have real friends and I don’t have a job and my partner is fine but I feel like I can’t stand living with him anymore. nor with anyone. The only thing I admire is my mother and for her I do not leave this earth although I really do not feel happiness and I ask God’s forgiveness because I have everything to be happy and I feel that I just want to cry and scream. Many things have happened to me in life and I thought I would overcome them but I became bitter and had no desire to have sex or anything, sadness.

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Dear Maria, notice that I have been through a place as ugly as yours. There came times when I thought about committing suicide by driving my car off the cliff near where I live. Once I felt that, I thought about my mom and how nice she had been to me. Because he grew so much on me, he endured me and was there in many ugly stages of my life. Then I thought, I wouldn’t want to cause my mother so much pain, so much anguish. So I decided to look for articles like this, and learn from others how to live to make my life a little bearable. Greetings Maria. Thanks for sharing.

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What do you feel at this moment?

Lara Gomez


I’m just a simple young woman, they would say with a lot of desire but it’s not like that, I think this quarantine thing and having to live with uncles and be with grandmother, I just don’t know where that desire to live went, and every day I wake up wanting to do something again, I just think it’s not my time yet and I decided to look this up for help but I think it’s not enough soon it will pass I guess 🙂



I am with an immense emptiness. I am 53 years old and I lost my husband a year and a half ago. The future overwhelms me and my current life is full of sadness and loneliness.

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Joan Gustavo


Resist! Please if I can. You too. Forces! And lots of love.

John Anderson


I feel lost in this life, I can’t find job opportunities to grow as a person. Sometimes I feel like going out on the streets to rob people with a lot of money and get rich on behalf of other rich people to survive because there are no job opportunities. I have felt the need and sometimes I think that this could bring me fatal consequences: prison or death or being injured. My life is a misfortune. I have had many problems throughout my life and I have not been able to develop and grow as I would like. I even have a I have a university degree and that has not been of any use to me. I have so many studies and I feel that I am overrated and just because I don’t have work experience they don’t give me the opportunity. That’s why I’ve felt the need to take from others what belongs to them and I don’t care about anyone. The same people are responsible for turning a person into a criminal for not providing a better future for someone who has made an effort for nothing. No one is going to humiliate me for having more money than me, never rich people.

John Anderson


I feel that my life is worth nothing, I hate wealthy people, they make me steal everything they have and steal all their wealth and help the most humble and poor people because I know what it means to have nothing and I know what it means to endure hunger, I know what it means. Suffering for money for daily and monthly expenses, be it rent and housing, I hate the rich so much because they are egocentric for believing they are more than others and are just mortals who one day are going to die and will take nothing with them to the cemetery. How many wealthy people in the world are under 3 meters underground, many people and that’s why the rich make me angry, it also makes me angry that I can’t have a job because I don’t have work experience, it makes me angry knowing that the love of my life is She left my life 7 years ago without being able to tell her that I loved her, it makes me angry at everyone who…