I don’t feel valued by my partner: what do I do?



He rejects me a lot and displaces me

A stranger


My partner blames me for everything, that I am the problem, that if my behavior does not change he cannot give love, I have told him several times how I feel but it seems that I speak Chinese, and he always says that I am a victim and that I am the one in charge. problem, but before I break down badly I better retire,

Sandra Jessica


How to help my inner person



I am meeting a girl who is much older than me, she is 37 years old and I am 20, things have started to go very well, but when I make a plan or have a date, she cancels me at the last minute or prolongs it. To the point that it’s too late to see each other, we only live together at work, but outside of it he’s super rude in messages or doesn’t show interest in going out with me, what can I do in that case?

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He’s just playing with his food, get out of there soldier.



I have been in a relationship for 6 years, we have had many problems because he says he doesn’t feel valued and I don’t listen to him. I have always been on the lookout for him, I have never been unfaithful, when he is sick I am on the lookout, the problem was He asked me to marry him 3 years ago and I put him off, because he is very jealous and that caused me a lot of anxiety, having to take care of what I say, what I talk, who I talk to so that he wouldn’t get upset, Because even he tells me that I am very absent-minded and that bothers him a lot, because he says that I should be aware of everything, if I love him, my mistake was to drag his feet in the marriage, he grabbed me. a lot of resentment for that he felt rejected, despite this we continued with the relationship, now it’s been 6 years and I don’t know what direction it will take.

Edgar Saul


I have a girlfriend, but I feel alone day after day and it seems that she is okay with it, the lack of interest is evident, and even though I have a partner I feel more alone and misunderstood than ever, really, I can’t explain well what I feel but , I am considering breaking up that relationship, I try to talk to her but no, she is not interested in me in the least

Sayra Torres


He left the country to work two years ago and he is no longer affectionate or toxic with me. I want to know if he has another woman.

Sarah Molina

05/03/2021 Please help you, Mr. Arturo Carmona, I can calm down, he is an ex-wife, Alicia Villarreal, she says, we scream, because at night a bad word is worth it, Alicia. She is very Serán and but COVID-19 vaccine therapy, scared, that’s all criminal.



I feel like my partner doesn’t love me anymore



I love my husband very much. Love has never been a problem between us because it is not a lack of love or affection that separates us day by day but rather his reluctance, his laziness and the lack of courage on his part to solve things. I believe that I have been a good wife because I have always supported him in the good times and in the bad. I have been faithful to him. I have always been there encouraging him, supporting him in difficult times. No, I am not perfect, but I have been a good wife and despite all the obstacles and crises. that we have overcome, I feel that this time it is different because we talk but things do not change, that is, they do not improve. I do not know what to do because lately I have thought that if he is not willing to fight and do what is necessary to save our relationship, I do not think that I can continue like this, it is worth mentioning that I try to encourage encounters with romantic music, make myself pretty so that I can do what he likes in bed and be careful, I am open-minded, that is, I am not closed to the idea of ​​using sex toys or seeing porn movies with him, on the contrary, I love all that but I don’t know what to do anymore, I just know and I’m very clear that I’m not going to put up with this all my life and that if he doesn’t get his act together, ours won’t work

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With this pandemic we were separated for a couple of months with my partner….when she could come she hardly hugged and kissed me…I would say she even rejected me…we were intimate and the truth is I realized that she didn’t even get excited . She came for the second time and the same thing…she also told me that the previous time she had felt dirty…the truth is, I think she has deceived me…never in my life has a woman treated me that way… first time in my life that they say something like that to me… I don’t know what to think.



I have been in a relationship for 4 years, we have two daughters together, one of 2 years and 9 months, and another of 10 months, apart from that my partner has a 9-year-old daughter… I feel that for both of us the most important thing is the girls ( which is fine)… but there is no time for both of us, apart from the little time we have as a couple, I feel that he does not value me as a couple, he has no details with me, on the contrary, he is always quite hostile, he complains of my way of being… I also of his for being so cold and grumpy… he is a super good father and even a friend, because we can talk and have a good coexistence, but I feel I have to as a woman, feeling loved, valued, respected… if I don’t propose couple activities, nothing happens, and we always end up sharing as “friends” and maybe later some quick sex because the girls can wake up… but I feel our relationship is empty. .. I currently want to separate, but I think that there are also good things in the relationship, like he is a good father, he cooperates in raising the girls, he is a good provider, we have economic and family tranquility, the girls are very happy with us, We can live together with a certain tranquility… but I feel that I lack that romantic part… but I think that perhaps I am exaggerating in asking that he be romantic and loving with me and that I should be happy that he is a good man, a good father?

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I think you are exaggerating. You plan to lose a person of a thousand qualities because of 1 mistake or 1 defect that may be temporary. The parenting stage is complicated for men and women. The upbringing environment does not favor romanticism much. If you really value him as a person and value his multiple qualities, you can create the opportunity to work on the topic of romanticism.


02/18/2021 It is very common for a couple’s relationship to have ups and downs….
We are not perfect and at some point we may be selfish with our time, tastes and intolerant of our partner when they do not think the same as us.

If any of his daughters are his priority and you feel jealous of it, it is normal but you must analyze that it is normal for the envelope to protect his two little treasures.
And talk to him about the fact of your needs as a woman.
Tell you where your relationship is as a couple since you notice feeling cold and distant and you need to know if it is really worth maintaining the relationship where there is a lack of intimate moments since you feel abandoned
So, friend, talk to him and put the cards on the table to find out what may be happening since, most of the time, with a good conversation you can achieve big changes for the better.
Ecitos. And lycha for your marriage.



For some time now my husband doesn’t care what I think or want and I don’t know where I am for him. Today I tried to talk to him and he told me so many things, one of those was “that he gave me more importance than I have.” “. What could I expect from this relationship?



Hello, my husband and I have been married for 15 years but the truth is I think there is no love between us anymore, he has never asked if I have any goals, a dream, nothing, he never tells me that I am pretty, that I am a good mother, or things like that, I work and he has never given me a detail or anything like that. Sometimes I think why I stay with him if I never felt loved or valued. He is a very good father…

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He doesn’t read your mind honey
Tell him how you feel and see how everything goes.🤗
Communication is vital for all relationships.



I want to talk privately about my partner, thank you



My husband got angry with me because I didn’t have him ready when he came home from the street to buy the shipment… I was tired of doing a homework assignment with my oldest son and it was very important to send it by mail to his teacher. When I finished the homework video I was tired and the children and I ate late. Then I rested a little and fell asleep. When my husband arrived, everything I mentioned at the beginning happened and he got angry and went out to take the dog and arrived very late and angry because I didn’t have the juice ready for him. When I served him the food, he didn’t want to eat and left the food ready, complaining to me because I didn’t have juice made early for him. I explained to him how tired he was and he didn’t care…

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Hello Orquídea, I’m sorry for what you said. I think you need to start setting limits. You don’t have to be serving him anything, you are his partner, not a service staff. You should start valuing yourself a little more. Anger like that is toxic and really damaging to the relationship. And even more so when she is not interested in how you have felt. You set boundaries or unfortunately, you end that marriage. For your own good above all.



I congratulate you for expressing yourself very well about how you feel and that is good, but you should also listen to him, maybe he had a bad day at work or stress itself favors wrong reactions like that, as you have been told, you should already inform him that You are his wife, not his servant, and you also need him to value your contribution to the family and you will not tolerate any more tantrums over trivial things.
Whoever really loves you deserves to have respect for your work as the wife and mother of his child.



Hello.. The truth is, I don’t know what to do. I’ve been with my partner for 8 years. A few months ago we went to live together. We had a good time together. We make a lot of plans for the future. We want to start a family but he spends a lot on his cell phone from the moment he gets up until he gets up. He’s going to sleep, he doesn’t publish anything about the two of them, it’s only on Facebook I see that he comments on photos of other girls, he likes them, he’s more aware of them and it’s only in the chat with some of them, I have no idea what they’re talking about because he has his cell phone. with code.. But from what I could see the previous time he flirts with others.. Yesterday we fought again because I told him that he doesn’t give me my place, he gets angrier and then acts as if nothing happened.. I feel like he doesn’t value me. He doesn’t respect me, much less give me my place… I don’t know what else to do, I feel frustrated.

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I am going through the same situation with my husband, he is an excellent father, he helps me a lot at home. Something similar happened to your case, we even closed our Facebook accounts as a solution and everything was fine, but 3 days ago, the two of us were talking very Agusto received a message from WhatsApp with that name. I asked him who it was, obviously it bothered me, he told me it was a friend, an ex since plus 15 years. That woman is already married and has a child. It is disrespectful as a mother and wife that…