How will going back to school after confinement affect children emotionally?

These days, the government and the autonomous communities, discuss what school normality will be like from the month of September. Although, at first, the possibility of following a mixed system, face-to-face/online, was considered, there is more and more talk of all students returning to face-to-face classes. Lower the ratio, separate the children in turns, set up new classrooms in common spaces, recess time for separate classes, etc. There are many proposals for this new school reality that will start in September.

After several months of confinement and a summer in which hygienic and social distancing measures will set the tone, How can this return to the classroom affect children emotionally? What provisions can be made to help them make a healthy transition to their new reality?

Delicate emotional state

After several months of confinement, the emotional situation of children is especially delicate. If we add to this the additional stress of the special precautions that we must still maintain and the protective measures that they will have to follow at school, it is understandable that many children experience the return to school plunged into a mixture of emotions that is very difficult to assimilate.

Before the return to the classroom, different emotional realities will appear marked by the special characteristics of each child. Some may present one, several or no focus of concern. Of course, not all children will have a hard time, the adaptability and resilience of each one will mark their own acclimatization to the school.

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Some of the circumstances that can create emotional distress in children can be:

  • Fear of contagion. For several months, they have been hearing that going out on the street or meeting in closed spaces with many people increases the risk of contagion. It is normal for many students to experience fear at the idea of ​​going back to school.
  • Not wanting to go back Those who already had a hard time at school before confinement, either due to being bullied or bored in class, have tried the benefits of distance education. They will experience September as a return to hell, to everything they fear and/or hate.
  • Difficulty maintaining social distance. Those who feel the illusion of seeing their colleagues again will run into the wall of all prevention measures (social distance or masks).

They will be with their friends, but they will not be able to share or play the same as before.

  • Strain. The little ones do not have the understanding or self-control to keep their distance and will come to play with their friends, as before. There is a danger that early childhood education teachers, given their enormous responsibility for a possible contagion, will show themselves to be more directive and this will generate more tension and repression in the classroom.
  • Detachment. As in the rest of the daily situations, the relationship between the teachers and the children will be at a distance. This physical separation will complicate the work of caregivers to care for and emotionally accompany the little ones when they require it. With the children separated by masks, space between them and the teacher much further away, the atmosphere in the classroom can be much colder and more distant than it already was before. Maintaining this situation of lack of social contact for so many hours a day can end up taking its toll on some children.
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What to do to soften the emotional impact on children

In this new school situation, Emotional care for students must become the top priority for teachers and caregivers. The younger the students, the more diligent their teachers will have to be. In these days that the agendas of the new course are being prepared, it would be interesting if all the centers implemented measures for the care and protection of the emotional health of girls and boys. Some may be the following:

  • Promote fun and interactive activities and games

Although it is necessary to maintain a safe distance, it is always possible to organize in small groups (in class or at break time). fun, creative games that are entertaining for children and that they make them feel, despite the space of separation, the contact with their companions. It is important that these games are cooperative, not competitive.

we wish Create a good atmosphere among children. For example, a game can be, create your own story or story. In turns, each child adds a phrase to the story, the crazier and absurd the better.

  • Take advantage of open spaces

Whenever possible, it is important that children Get out of the seclusion of the classroom and enjoy free spaces. Many subjects can be explained and practiced outdoors. Teachers, faced with this new situation, can use their creativity to adapt their subject to the new situation.

  • Promote artistic teachings in freedom

Art releases emotions, tensions and experiences trapped inside us. Without academic norms, without rules, we can offer the children blank papers and drawing or modeling materials. These creations must be free, without cards, without models, without gaps to fill in, that help children to get out all their accumulated emotions.

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