How to overcome a betrayal – advice from psychology

Human beings can experience a wide catalog of sensations throughout their lives. Betrayal is a form of deception since those who feel victimized in a situation of this type believe that they have been scammed on an emotional level. The pain of betrayal is directly related to the degree of intimacy achieved with that person who has been the main cause of this disappointment.

In Psychology-Online, we tell you how to overcome betrayal to not let this pain become an excuse to close your heart to others. Just because this happened to you doesn’t mean it has to happen to you again.

Below we offer you some Practical tips To know how to overcome a betrayal in your life:

1. Accept what has happened

The best way to turn page After a betrayal it is to assume and assimilate the events as they have occurred. It is not positive that you dwell on what has happened but it is also advisable to avoid the opposite point of ignoring the situation. What is betrayal to you? Beyond the meaning of this term, this experience acquires a particular vision from the point of view of each affected person.

2. Carry out a grieving process

There are different types of grief emotions. In a betrayal a type of death occurs. For example, the trust you had in that person. You will likely need to take some time to integrate this new information into your world map, saying goodbye to the image you had of that person before this happened.

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3. Analyze what your expectations were

All of this does not mean that that person is not valuable or that you have to cut the link permanently. In fact, it is recommended that you reflect on what the expectations that you had placed in this history. For example, if you saw that friend or loved one as perfect, then it is inevitable that he or she will disappoint you because no one can live up to such high requirements.

4. Talk to that person

It facilitates understanding and allows you to confront hypotheses and assumptions through the voice of that person who, as the protagonist, shares with you their experience, their intentions, their reflections and their feelings. That is to say, when you kick that person out you may realize that, although he was wrong to act that way, it was not his intention to hurt you.

5. Forgiveness

It is true that forgiveness is not a simple experience on many occasions. Fortunately, many events are not of such magnitude or severity that forgiveness involves a prolonged emotional conflict over time. Forgiveness is a decision that makes you feel free because it allows you to be above that situation that you consider to be a betrayal.

The ability to forgive It not only depends on the characteristics and circumstances of that betrayal, but also on personal capacity. And in relation to this point, it is very important to have an attitude of humility. For example, remember those moments when it felt really good to be forgiven for a mistake. What you consider a betrayal may just be a mistake.

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Betrayal can occur in a family bond, in a relationship or in a friendship. In any circumstance, it hurts. Why can it generate such an emotional storm in the life of the affected person? Next if you want to know how to overcome betrayalyou must know the negative consequences of this.

Betrayal calls into question the relationship itself

That is, those who have felt deceived interpret the history of that bond from the new light of disenchantment by integrating what happened into the filter of their experiences. Therefore, this situation touches the heart of the trust you had placed in a person. Trust, in a way, It’s an act of faith. Therefore, when a betrayal occurs, this fact acts as a test that breaks that faith.

It’s an intimate feeling

The nature of betrayal connects with the own assertiveness of the one who feels deceived as such. That is, even if the other person explains the reasons why they acted in a certain way, wanting to show that they did not act with bad intentions, if their internal feelings are those of someone who has felt betrayed, it is advisable to act with respect in the face of that pain. internal because it is the heart that speaks from the impact suffered.

Sometimes, the nature of betrayal can be defined as infidelity, whatever the case may be, if you want to overcome a betrayal, you must know these life lessons:

  1. You have resources and tools to overcome this situation. And if you think you lack some kind of resource to deal with it, you can develop it from now on.
  2. We all make mistakes, people make mistakes. Sometimes, the end of a relationship based on what is experienced as a betrayal shows the low tolerance for error that a perfectionist mentality produces. Life and relationships demand an attitude of excellence that human beings can also make mistakes or not live up to what was expected of them.
  3. It is worse to commit betrayal than to suffer it. The very action of committing a betrayal connects with the author of that work. His entire being is not reducible to this action, however, it is a manifestation of the moment he is going through.
  4. Sometimes, it is possible to overcome a betrayal making a story stronger based on what happened. However, if that happens, both of you must do your part to make it happen. Discover here.
  5. The worst punishment a person can suffer after committing betrayal is being aware of what they have done and that they have damaged the trust of someone they love. That is, this is a charge that connects with the self-awareness of an act own characterized as unfair.
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