Do not eat red meat or have sexual relations: what not to do at Easter

This period is known as Easter week, starts the Palm Sunday (which was this April 2) and ends the Holy Sunday (April 9th).

During these days of reflection, believers follow some traditions and rituals. Preparation for this time begins on Ash Wednesday (which this year was February 22), the date on which the Lent: a period of forty days ending on Easter Sunday.

This is a stage of purification spiritual, so Church established what should be done fast.

Then, once you reach the Palm Sunday, which occurs a week before Holy Sundaybelievers follow some practices that may be more restrictive, mainly during the Holy Fridaywhich is the day that is commemorated the crucifixion of Jesus.


Easter culminates with the Easter Sunday massFabián Marelli – Archive

The eight days that make up the Easter are intended for the reflection of Christians on the events that led to the death of Jesus Christ. Therefore, on these dates, in addition to carrying out certain rituals or traditions, there are also some guidelines that must be followed.

Most of these relate to Good Friday, which this year falls on April 7 and is a national holiday. According to the Catholic Church, you should have – at most – one meal during that day, although you can also consume two small dishes, as long as they are not equivalent to the weight of a regular one.

  • Don’t eat red meat: for the Christian Catholic faith, this food represents the flesh of Jesus Christ and, therefore, the faithful avoid ingesting it in Easter. Although this tradition is fulfilled more than anything during the Holy Fridaymany do it throughout the entire week.
  • Don’t use red: Avoid wearing clothes of this color because it alludes to the Devil. So, the custom is to use more muted colors, such as blackwhich is related to mourning.
  • Avoid excesses: since these are days of meditation, we also seek to avoid all types of vices such as gambling and the alcoholbut they are not prohibited, as long as it is measured.
  • Not having sexual relations: As it is a time of fasting, abstinence and sorrow for believers, many try to avoid these types of situations these days.
  • Do not drive nails: many faithful avoid doing this Holy Friday because they consider that it represents the suffering of Jesus on the cross
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