How to make your own homemade electrolyte drink?

Electrolytes are those substances that your body uses to help cells carry electrical impulses to other cells. Magnesium, sodium, phosphate, potassium, chloride, etc., are electrolytes, and are especially necessary during and after exercise.

As you may remember, in the 1990s electrolyte drinks became very popular, undoubtedly the best known, Gatorade. However, these liquids are still processed and contain refined sweeteners, for example. Therefore, a better option is to make your own homemade electrolyte drinks (and at a much lower price) to maintain balance in your body during periods of exercise.

The place everydayroots share a very useful recipe for you to make your homemade electrolyte drink:


1/4 cup lemon juice

1/4 cup lime juice

1 1/2 to 2 cups of natural (depends on how much you want to dilute the citrus flavor).

1/8 teaspoon sea salt

2 tablespoons of natural sugar or honey


Put all of the above in a blender and blend until the honey has been dissolved. Or, place in a jug and mix the liquid yourself. Finally, drink it with or with ice and enjoy.

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