How to know if that person is for me – test and tips to find out

When we are in a relationship, we probably sometimes wonder if the person we are with is really for us. It may be that you have gone through a rough patch or that you have discovered some of your partner’s abilities that you are not convinced by and, then, it is normal for this question to appear: How do I know if that person is for me? The truth is that there is no clear and convincing answer, however, there are some characteristics of your relationship that you can evaluate to know if, really, it is convenient for you to have that relationship. At Psychology-Online we want to help you and, therefore, here we discover some tips that will help you know if that person is for you.

How to know if my partner is for me: 6 indicators

If you have ever asked yourself “how do I know if that person is for me?”, here we are going to give you some tips that will help you clear up your doubts. In a relationship there are times when we may have doubts. It may be that there has been some attitude or that you have been a little “low” for a while and that makes you rethink the future of your relationship and whether, really, you are compatible.

There is no magic formula that can give you the answer to this but yes there are some indicators that can help you know the truth. Here we leave you some aspects that will help you know if that is the person.

1. Trust in each other

If you want to know if your partner is for you, it is important that you analyze the trust that exists between you. Trusting each other is essential to being able to enjoy a full and satisfying relationship. Distrust only generates discomfort, jealousy and situations that can become aggressive with each person’s privacy. In order to have a relationship with a future, trust is essential.

2. Your happiness is important

Another tip that can tell you if your partner suits you is to look at yourself. you seek the happiness of the other. That is, yes, in your daily life, in your mind and priorities, making your partner happy is among your goals. And many times we live without taking into account our partner or without them taking us into account and this happens for various reasons such as selfishness, lack of interest or falling out of love. Therefore, if you want to know if this relationship is for you, you have to assess whether, among your priorities, is making each other happy.

3. You feel like yourself

Another indicator that can tell you that you are with the right person is to evaluate the way you act and react in your relationship. A healthy and strong couple is one in which the two members show themselves as they are, without reservations, without barriers and without fear of being judged or criticized by the other. It is important to feel that you have maximum freedom of action and movement and that you are yourself when he or she is in front of you and when she is not there. In this other article we help you so that you can and, therefore, if your relationship has a future.

4. You respect each other

Something basic for a couple to work is respect. Without respect, a relationship will hardly be healthy and positive for both parties. It is for this reason that, now that you want to know if he is the person for you, you honestly analyze whether you respect each other. Respect is perceived in all moments of life: in any conversation you have (that you respect your opinions and let each other speak), in the moments in which you argue, in your way of thinking and acting, etc. A good question to know if you respect each other is to extrapolate your relationship to the environment of friendship: is this how you would talk to a friend in a similar situation?

5. Support is basic

In order to know if someone is for you, you also have to evaluate their behavior in the most difficult moments of your life. It is clear that we cannot always expect someone to “save” us or “help” us when we are bad, but when we have a partner, we do seek some support to be able to recover. The partner becomes a kind of “trunk” on which to lean in the moments of greatest weakness, therefore, it is important that you assess whether you have that support or if, on the contrary, you feel alone when you are a little lost or concerned.

6. Sincerity in the couple

Finally, another indicator that can tell you if that person is for you is by assessing whether you are sincere with each other. And we are not talking about sincerity in the sense of not cheating on someone else, but rather about that daily sincerity in which everything is explained transparently and naturally. Cheating on your partner with little lies is a sign that something is not working quite right. Analyze what is happening so you can see why you react this way. Remember: sincerity is essential for a couple to have a future.

In this other article we give you some good ones.

Test to know if you are with the right person

In order to know if that person is for you, you have to analyze some basic aspects of your relationship. With this you will be able to tell for yourself if this relationship makes sense or if, on the contrary, it is best that you stop trying. Honesty with oneself is basic to being able to control your own life.

Here we are going to show you a test to know if you are with the right person. There are 15 questions that you must answer with YES/NO and then read the answer below. The only advice for taking this test is to be 100% honest.

  1. Are you in love with that person?
  2. Do you have the same values?
  3. Do you have fun together?
  4. Is there sexual attraction between the two?
  5. Do you still want to see him/her and do things with him/her?
  6. Do you know how to argue without fighting?
  7. Is there connection and chemistry between you?
  8. Do you have future plans?
  9. Do you feel positive emotions when you are with that person (happiness, joy, fun…?
  10. Do you strive to maintain romance?
  11. Do you have a good sex life?
  12. Do you know how to manage discussions and problems?
  13. Do you respect your individual and personal space?
  14. Do you feel that he treats you well and respects you?
  15. Do you see yourself with him/her for a long period of time?

Mostly YES answers

He is a good person for you. She makes you feel special, you feel good around her and, even if there are problems, you know how to manage them correctly. The relationship is positive for both of you and, if you continue like this, you will most likely last as long as you want to last.

Tie in answers

He may be a good match for you but there are things that need to be ironed out. Problems as a couple have to learn to talk to each other in a constructive and non-destructive way. If you both try a little harder, you will surely be able to enjoy a much more satisfying relationship.

Mostly NO answers

You are not having a good time as a couple and it shows. Therefore, in this situation there are two paths: either you get to work, both of you together, to try to repair your relationship, or you stop trying. The decision is in your hands, you just have to talk and agree.

The key: the couple that adds and not the one that subtracts

There is a question that is basic in any relationship and that can help you clear up your doubts about compatibility: Does your partner add or subtract from you? That is, when you are with your partner you are happier, it brings you more joy, happiness and positive aspects or, on the contrary, it causes you discomfort, arguments, boredom, boredom, etc.

Honestly analyze how you feel when you are with your partner and compare that emotion to when you are with your friends at a party or dinner. A partner has to join you, provide you with positive aspects that are extra. When a person does not add to you, but rather subtracts from you, it is because that relationship is toxic and it is best that you give yourself a break. In this other article we tell you how in case you want to try again.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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