How to identify some dysfunctional practices in family relationships?

When asking ourselves about the existence of family relationships that we may consider dysfunctional or toxic and how they can influence us, it may be useful for us to understand what are some of the practices or behaviors that frequently occur in homes with dysfunctional problems.

We can identify relationships dysfunctional family members considering certain specific practices. However, it is important to understand globally the entire family environmentthat is, the economic and financial provisions, the education of the parents, their physical or mental conditions and other determining factors in the family configuration, when drawing up a more complete picture about our primary core of the development that this allows us.

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The importance of considering and identifying these practices or behaviors is central both to better understand our personal history and the development of our emotional life and to the construction of our future family units.

Dysfunctional practices in the family nucleus

The following are some practices or behaviors that are part of improper treatment in parenting, which can form dysfunctional bonds or toxic relationships with family members.

  • Obligation to fulfill roles that do not correspond: Having to permanently and constantly fulfill functions at home such as disciplining or taking care of siblings or oneself is not a role that a child should assume in a family. Nor are activities related to supporting the home such as cleaning or cooking, until reaching an age at which such activities are completely safe. The same thing happens with the emotional support roles. A son is not and cannot assume functions emotional support with their caregivers.
  • Being inappropriately attacked, criticized or reprimanded: Discipline and correction are fundamental in growth, however, these are not equivalent to a emotional discharge parental. Parents may take out their anger, frustrations, or stress on their children, making them feel vulnerable, unwanted or inferior. Be severely criticized It can cause serious emotional problems in children and toxic emotional bonds in the family. These actions can even constitute symbolic violence either real with children, which is, clearly, an inadvisable act in parenting.
  • Basic needs are not met: when there are constant and numerous carelessness on the part of the caregiver, this can cause emotional damage to the emotional bond between the child and the father. Parents must ensure childhood aspects such as protectionhe carefulthe boundariesthe healththe education and child support, which includes clothing and food. When primary caregivers do not meet these basic needs, relational problems often arise.
  • Overprotection: the counterparty of the negligence or lack of fulfillment of basic needs It occurs in the overprotection of the primary caregiver. This behavior also affects the minor and can become a toxic bond at the family level.
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