How to help a person who doesn’t want help



Hello, I have an acquaintance who doesn’t want to go outside at all and I would like to help him how I could.

the pro 90


qsy wn, thank you, seriously THANK YOU



Unfortunately, it doesn’t work to try to help people who don’t want help.



I think I’m a person who doesn’t want help.
After years I have managed to identify the biggest defect that I have and I think it is not being able to take on problems as I should. I always see any small problem as too big for me and difficult to face. I always tend to torment myself with my undesirable thoughts and react with anger. When faced with anything that bothers me, I say horrible words angrily to the people I love and who are closest to me, I feel that I limit myself to many things and among them being happy, I cannot have calm relationships because of my insecurity, I always I think about the worst of people and situations, for me everything is negative, maybe because of mistrust, I don’t know, but those attitudes of mine that don’t leave me alone bother me.
My family fears that when something truly painful happens to me, I will not have the strength to face it and little by little I will fade away. Many times I can be very impulsive, and that characteristic combined with anger worries me and mine.

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There are many situations, I personally would like to at least explode but I feel so flat that I know it is also affecting my family, having anger, as you say, doesn’t even work for me. I have been at home for 8 months at first, I only went out a little and now I don’t go out at all.



Good afternoon, my husband suffers from depression. He doesn’t want to receive therapy. He says he will go out alone and feels undervalued. What can I do?



Hi how are things? I have a friend who needs help, she is in another city and I don’t know how to make her understand that she needs help. And we are for her! What do you do in such cases



I would like to know how to help a friend leave his past behind, a past that only torments him, he lost his best friend, please help.

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This thing about leaving the past behind is something very difficult, not even one understands it, now how would you do to help him, the only way would be help from a professional if it helps because my results are not clear, I have already been receiving psychological help for 8 months.



What to do and above all learn to live without being affected by a person who does not want to stop helping himself



Hello, I have a friend that I love very much and he has problems, he says that he is a nuisance, useless, that he is of no use, and that he is very stressed and I don’t know how to help him because he doesn’t want to tell me what’s wrong with him, he didn’t pressure him because that It won’t help you, but I want to help you and I don’t know how.




Hello, I see that my girlfriend is overwhelmed because more and more small problems add up every day, I ask her to let me help her to carry the load together and she doesn’t allow me because she says that they are not my obligations and I think that by sharing the burden burden of the problem, the matter may be more bearable for her, what do I do by continuing to offer myself or I will remain silent and leave her with her problems



My mother has been making continuous suicide attempts for 15 years. She doesn’t want help and just wants to disappear from the world. I can’t take it anymore. I’m devastated and without the strength to fight, so I’ve decided to get away from her to see that she loses me for what she wants. Do I act correctly? Will my attitude change?

Yeimy Rodríguez


How can I help him if he doesn’t want any help?



Hello, I want to help my friend, he thinks that it is of no use. I talked to him and told him that it is worth a lot to value himself but when it seems to be going well he returns to the same thing. What can I do?



Hi, this doesn’t help me. My boyfriend, who I have been together with for three years, has severe depression and for weeks he has only talked about wanting to commit suicide. He is self-harming and it is impossible to convince him to go to therapy. I live very far from him and I’m afraid that he will do something and I won’t know to ask for help. He flatly refuses to go to therapy, he says that he wants to learn to handle it on his own, however it’s getting worse and worse and I don’t know what to do, I’m desperate. What do you recommend to prevent even this event to give him time to decide that he needs therapy? He has been depressed for more than a year.



Hello, good afternoon, I want you to help me, my boyfriend and I have been dating for 9 months but I want to know why the fact that a woman is no longer a virgin is an obstacle so that he cannot continue moving forward, he is always with that in his mind… how I can help you forget that. Your thinking that a woman is no longer a virgin. And that torments you. You can help me.

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I saw your message by chance… I don’t even know what it looked like on the screen because I was looking for the thing. Some advice if you want it. Don’t try to change anyone. It will not. If that is an impediment for him, you should know that he will always be angry for not being the first and that can lead to abuse and it does not necessarily have to be physical. Psychological abuse leaves traces that are never erased. A person who does not accept your past life does not love you. They should only care that you love them and what you experienced together. Doesn’t he have a past love life? What difference does he make if you didn’t even know each other? True love is not blind. True love accepts the imperfections of the couple and when two people decide to be together it is because they are better people together than being with that other person. I wouldn’t be surprised if it has already made you cry on more than one occasion and has even made you feel guilty. I don’t know how old you are. But get that out of your head. I think you’re pretty young and don’t know much about relationships yet. A person who is angry about your past is going to want to control your present, your life, and it’s not that it bothers him that you’re not a virgin, it’s that he’s jealous just thinking that someone else has touched you. The body is just a body and everyone decides freely about it if it does not harm anyone. I fear that he will always be a pathologically jealous person who will become angry with you just by imagining what could happen in his absence. I’m not the one to tell you what you should do but if a relationship starts like this…. RUN AWAY!!! You will never be happy. It’s not your problem, it’s his. No one will EVER change your mind… Sometimes years and experience are the only things that teach you to distinguish true love. No one who imposes his will on you or who blames you for the past or who lets you be free truly loves you. No one who makes you suffer while being able to avoid it truly loves you. I have studied a lot about topics like yours. I have had toxic relationships that I have nipped in the bud as soon as I realized that way of being. You must be very young… I don’t know if these words will be of any use to you… I am writing to you because you are asking for help and that already shows me that you are not happy. When everything is fine in a relationship, you don’t feel like you have a problem…. Give yourself some time to reflect. Posts think and coldly analyze everything it tells you and how it makes you feel. Do it like it’s not about you. Imagine that they do that to your best friend, to your most loved one…. In love, not everything is happy moments but suffering depends on factors external to the relationship. If it is your partner who makes you suffer, then dear Beatriz, then he does not love you in a healthy way. It is likely that you will continue with him because you do love him and believe that you can make that change but not while…. If he is one of those who wants to have that silly pride of “deflowering his girl” then he will not be able to live with the opposite. That thought is more typical of religions. Honey…. Love yourself more… Value yourself more. In a relationship, payment does not matter, only your life matters from the moment you meet… Respect above all. If he disrespects you just once it’s not love. An argument is one thing. Another that makes you feel that you are worthless or worth less for something that cannot be changed and what is worse… You have not done anything wrong! Only those had life before him. Think… Put yourself before putting him on that pedestal on which blind love places the loved one. Don’t let yourself be trampled on and never let them make you feel bad for something that is not bad at all. To finish I want to tell you something… You may not know it, but the vast majority of men don’t care about that… In fact, they almost prefer not to be with a virgin woman because if they are really mature they will know that sexuality is not It’s nothing to be ashamed of and, frankly, they prefer to be with women who know what they’re doing sexually. But it’s all a matter of maturity and especially of n

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Thank you for your advice, I have really realized that a relationship like this is not worth it. I must get ahead by working.. really thank you, it helped me.



I need help with my boyfriend…he used to be fat, and I lost a lot of weight. Now he doesn’t want to eat anything, for fear that he will become fat again like before. What do I do and how can I help him!!!

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It took a long time from what I see in the comment, but being present with the affected person really helps a lot. Try to get him to talk about his emotions without giving opinions or judging, try to make him see how good his body is with nice comments or show off his skills and talents. Try to get him to go to a professional, if he objects, try to talk about it but if he doesn’t accept, leave it at that. You can make the moment of eating pleasant with a good talk or a dish that he really likes, little by little he will lose his fear of food because if he feels that he is doing things well and that he is safe, he will possibly feel more relaxed. Ask him how his thoughts are with food and so on. Try to be his support, and when he feels calmer, go to therapy to manage his conflicts.



Hello, I would like help, I have a friend who is depressed and has several. His parents are divorced, they have never supported him, he only has me as a friend, his girlfriend doesn’t have much so I left him, I talked to her but it ended very badly, I want to help him but he doesn’t help me. He always lets him help him, he gets lost alone on the street or there are times when he goes back to his room and locks himself in and doesn’t see anyone for a long time. He hangs out with bad people and that’s what worries me because he doesn’t know how to help him. Thank you

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Hello, I want to know how to help my sister… She is a woman with 4 children, two in each commitment. She is currently separated from her last commitment and lives alone with her 4 children… The whole family has become too attached to them. children and it is for this reason that I am always aware of them, helping in whatever way I can, sometimes I feel that the help I offer is not liked and causes discomfort in my sister…. the children adore me, but because of my job I can only see them on the weekends and try to…