How to HAVE more PATIENCE – 11 Tips to achieve it

One of the most important virtues to improve the quality of emotional life is patience. The ability to learn to wait is very necessary, since beyond the desires of the will, the rhythm of reality is not always in tune with the purposes of the mind and heart. This wait that we have to face in many moments of our lives is healthy for learning to tolerate frustration.

It is a good idea to do the exercise of looking back to see some personal goal achieved after effort and difficulties. When we become aware of the entire process, once it is finished, we realize that it is important not to throw in the towel prematurely, since it is healthy to persevere in achieving personal goals. It is worth waiting for what brings good to your life because it allows you to grow as a person or develop in the professional field.

In this article from Psychology-Online, we show you different tips on how to have more patience. Learn when it pays to be patient and when it doesn’t.

Advantages of having patience

Patience consists of knowing how to wait while what we want arrives, accepting that things do not always depend on ourselves and it also allows us to enjoy the present moment, fully appreciating what we have here and now.

Next, we will see the many advantages of being patient:

  • Allows you to analyze problems carefully: Patience makes it possible to find the perfect solution to problems. When we act impulsively, without time to properly analyze situations, we will only come up with temporary solutions that will cause the problem to repeat itself over and over again.
  • Be in a better moodbe less irritated and not feel frustrated for not immediately having what we want.
  • Reduces stress levels which can transform into other ailments.

Manage anger

Sometimes patience is conspicuous by its absence in interpersonal relationships and we can become desperate. Maybe there is someone who will make you lose patience Because of their behavior or even the sole presence of that person, it already bothers you. Sometimes, it can be a weak point, but it is very important to have it to enhance good relationships with others. Therefore, having more patience is key and, even if it is not your best quality, you can learn it.

If you are wondering how to learn to be more patient, the essential thing is to learn to manage anger which causes impatience. For example, imagine that a friend arrived late to the cinema and you had to enter the room with the movie started. If when your friend arrives you are angry and you start reproaching him with an angry attitude, you will not start a conversation and he will not be able to explain to you what has happened to him.

Don’t focus solely on the problem because then you will let anger take over. To be calmer, do not let pride handle the situation.

Work on empathy

How to learn to be more patient? Sometimes it is difficult for us to be patient with a specific person, but do not confuse having patience with showing indifference. Being patient means listen to that personshow empathy and understand the feelings of others.

When empathy and understanding guide your actions, you will see how much easier it is for the other person to understand you too. Without realizing it, you will go from creating a toxic environment to creating friendships.

overcome your fears

There are times when we become impatient and have a great chance of boycotting our potential success as a result of impatience, that is, the desire to automatically make our wish come true.

In these cases, to put patience into practice, we must focus on overcoming the fears that cause this state of nervousness. You don’t have to let yourself be carried away by what fear makes you feel, but you have to face it. In this article, we tell you.

Patience is a great virtue even though at certain times it produces emotions that are uncomfortable, since there are times you will have to wait to get what you want.

Set different goals

When it comes to training your patience, you have to focus your attention on more than one goal with the aim of having different sources of motivation in your daily routine. It is important not to place all expectations in one place in order to have different levels of motivation, thanks to a good compensation in the emotional balance.

Furthermore, to have more patience it is not only recommended have long term goalsbut also more short-term expectations that offer the most real possibility of .

Learn to wait for what you love

How is patience put into practice? Waiting also tests the degree of commitment you feel for a specific goal. The wait strengthen your willpoweryour ability to improve and gives you the possibility of optimizing your resources, even looking for a plan B to avoid throwing in the towel.

When faced with obstacles, it is advisable to be realistic with oneself and analyze if all resources have been exhausted or if it is possible to do something more to fight for that desired goal. To be patient it is recommended bet on a constructive internal dialogue with the aim of raising the level of motivation. Discover .

Analyze the aspects that make you impatient

If you want to be more patient, a good way to achieve this is make a list of everything that makes us impatient and order it according to the importance that each thing has for you. Then you must analyze which ones really depend on you and which ones don’t. Once this is done, get to work with those that depend exclusively on you, without worrying about what others do.

Be more patient in everyday situations

How to have more patience? To make it you can do simple exercises such as arriving a few minutes early for an appointment and waiting calmly, waiting before discovering or finding out something, not leaving a task until you have finished, etc.

These small changes will produce big results and you will find that, in the long run, life is much more enjoyable by being patient.

Learn self-control

We all have enough power in our minds to do what we want. Learning to be more patient is a matter of knowing how to control yourself. Below, we show you different tips to improve self-control and be more patient:

  • Perform a realistic internal analysis: You must analyze what makes you lose patience and determine what are those things or situations that generate impatience. If you achieve this, you will have more tools to confront it, you will be able to act to avoid, evade or eliminate them.
  • Recognize that you cannot have control over everything around you.: sometimes things happen without us being able to do anything. Accept things as they come and do not enter into constant complaints, anger or eternal regrets for issues that have their unique nature and will not change no matter how much you want it to.
  • Take the opportunity to enjoy the moment: Every day is an opportunity to experience pleasurable moments. Choose occasions that you want to live fully, such as enjoying your favorite food, listening to music you like, watching a movie, having a chat with friends, etc.
  • Get benefits from your impatience: Creativity is closely linked to impatience, therefore, let your imagination fly every time you are impatient about something that you could change.
  • Release your anxiety in a healthy way: Do physical activities and exercise relaxation techniques to clear your mind of worries.
  • Avoid immediacy: Many times good things take time to wait, despite the fact that in today’s society the logic prevails that we want to have everything now. He understands that life is a process that involves passing through various rhythms and moments. There is no immediate happiness. Achieving it requires effort, perseverance and multiple attempts.

To give time to time

Giving time to time means learning to wait and let things flow and take their course. This can be complicated but, therefore, it is advisable cultivate serenity and the art of waiting. Things simply happen when they have to happen and impatience only makes everything lose freshness and naturalness.

It is worth learning to think before speaking, meditate on things and count to one hundred. Take care of those matters that truly depend on your will. When not so, then live wisely and don’t waste energy on an impossible.

Time is part of life. In fact, it is easy to feel the calendar and the passage of months and days. Don’t worry about yesterday’s or tomorrow’s problems and Live today. That is your challenge to learn to live a little better every day, with more calm, good sense and common sense.

Look for alternative plans

If you are wondering how to have more patience, you should keep in mind that in life it is important to always have an alternative plan for when that first path fails. People who have real patience are those who do not give up at the first obstacle and They continue to persevere despite everything.

That is a great wisdom of life typical of those who know that in life, the good, on more than one occasion, is made to wait because Everything has its moment. In these articles you will find and to face difficult moments.

Cultivate inner love

Patience is linked to love. The more you want something, the more options you have to get it, but there is a big difference between wanting something on a whim and truly wanting it one hundred percent. Desire is easily extinguished, however, when a wish is backed by loveso patience is greater because it is accompanied by the hope of being able to achieve that object. Taking into account the above, she discovers.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.


  • Amoroso, C. (2018). Patience. Weigl Publishers.
  • Brañas-Garza, PABLO, Espín, A., & Jorrat, D. (2019). Measuring patience. Industrial economy413, 21-31.
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