How to handle violence at home when the one who executes it is the son?

This is a problem that is little talked about, that many affected people prefer to keep to themselves, but it is a reality in many homes.

“It’s a very hidden problem – there are just a lot of parents who don’t feel able to report it to the police or they don’t receive assistance or they don’t find services,” explained criminology professor Rachel Condry, who led research at the University of Oxford into the violence from son to father, in statements collected by the.

In a situation like this, the first thing to do is identify the problem through some warning signs.

In that sense, ‘Who’s in Charge?’, a program that addresses the issue of violence from son to father in the United Kingdom, revealed some clues:

  • Behavior change by the father or mother to avoid a confrontation with the child.
  • Parents’ fear for their safety and the safety of other family members.
  • The son is stealing or damaging property from other family members.
  • The son threatens parents or to others.
  • The son threatens to hurt himself or engage in risky behavior: always take the threat of self-harm seriously.
  • The son is cruel to domestic animals.

If any parent notices that their child has one or more of these behaviors, they should speak with an expert professional such as a psychologist so that they can tell the caregiver the actions to implement. If the child already crosses the barrier and physically attacks the mother or father, what should be done is call the National Police directly.

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It is common to believe that seeking help may have repercussions for the minor, but what will actually aggravate the problem is remaining silent. If you or someone close to you is experiencing a similar situation, you can call us or write to us via WhatsApp at 333 033 3588. It is confidential and completely free. We can help you.