How to do the tuna diet and lose 5 kilos in 3 days

He tuna It is one of the most consumed and nutritious blue fish. It’s the perfect addition to a ton of meals and is loaded with health benefits, For this reason, it is not surprising that it becomes the protagonist of diets.

The tuna diet take advantage of the nutrients and benefits of this blue Fish while the calories ingested during your day. The tuna which has a significant content of fatty acids Omega 3It is rich in protein and contains very little fat. Tuna in its natural version only has 0.8% fat per 100 grams of fish and all of them are good fats.

This eating plan is a fairly restrictive regimen and should not have a maximum duration of 3 days. During this time you should completely limit the consumption of foods such as red meat, sweets, sauces, white or refined flour and any battered food, snacks, fried foods and of course ultra-processed foods.

Even if you limit certain foods, as long as you follow this diet you can combine tuna, without any limit, with fruits and vegetables that you like the most, in this way, you are guaranteeing your body the intake of essential nutrients for proper functioning, in addition to satiate your appetite because they are products with large doses of fiber.

Menu of a day doing the tuna diet

  • Breakfast: 1 whole wheat toast with natural tuna, natural orange juice, infusion
  • Midmorning: Fruit salad of the season
  • Meal: a cup of brown rice, a green salad with 1 can of natural tuna and a 0% yogurt
  • Snack: a fruit or a can of natural tuna
  • Dinner: 1 hard-boiled egg + 1 can of tuna + Baked eggplant
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This diet It is a method that is designed to purify your body and help you lose kilos quickly. In fact you can get lose up to 5 kilos in 3 days although once this time has elapsed, you should continue to control your diet and bet on healthy habits, low in fat and practicing sports if you want to avoid the dreaded rebound effect.