How to deal with people who always want to be right – tips and tricks

Edgar Fernandez


Hello, very good article, it helped me understand my partner a little more because he always points out something to me and she imagines many things and she only thinks that she is right and I tell her that she is not right, but she gets angry and I come and tell her to stop doing it. those things and she tells me that it’s my fault that I’m like this and she gets angrier for telling them the things she does wrong and that she’s toxic and she tells me that I’m pointing things out and that it’s all my fault



What you expose is interesting. And it is very true, human beings very often believe they are right in everything. The opinion of the other person matters little, even if this opinion is the most accurate. Being equanimous is a gift that very few possess. My situation is difficult. I am the youngest daughter of 9 siblings. I am currently 60 years old, single with no children. My parents and siblings raised me to be submissive. And at my age it is already difficult to change that pattern. Everything I say in my house will be used against me. I am never right, no matter how right it may be (I am an Educator, academically prepared) I have more than 20 years working at the education level. And to top it all off, they have always questioned my work no matter how excellent it is. My work environment is one of envy and evil. Situation that has led me to work, fulfill and that’s it. I don’t have any friendly relationship with anyone at work, because at home there were always ifs and buts… so I avoid forming a friendship or having a good friend. For my family I don’t know how to choose people. I was a person who helped raise my nephews, their children (even schoolwork). I have been very kind to everyone. Today in a pandemic I understood that I am living on lies. That I only exist when I am useful to someone. I have tried to stop that, but they usually mistreat me with words and insults.

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My advice is that you free yourself,,, From what I see they don’t value it and where they don’t value it it is better to retire. Family is not everything, it is certainly our first experience to include ourselves in this society, but sometimes our family itself is not interested or does not value our inclusion among them. That’s why I tell you, free yourself.

Samuel Almanzar


This is one of the best pages in terms of both social and work behavior, it has truly saved me on many occasions due to such good human contributions 😇😊

yorman castro


I have a problem with my mother, she only points it out to me and at no time have I heard her speak anything even very simple that refers to something good about my trying to talk to her but she simply stops me because she alone makes me unable to reflect and making a correct decision only says that she is the one who is right and that she can tell me whatever she wants whenever she wants and I just keep silent for the simple fact that she is my mother, anything I do has never been enough and I know that I shouldn’t do only to please her but I am a person who, outside of anything, I put my son’s feelings for her and I have not been able to talk to her or something. I am 28 years old and in all this time she has always wanted to control everything, she wants to be the strong one. the despot and that everything is right under her criteria, the truth is I don’t know what to do anymore

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Jorge Alfredo Hurtado Marín


What do you call a person who does not accept advice to improve?

flor sanchez


I have a daughter who opposes everything and everyone and no one loves or accepts her. Please help me.

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It is possible that their way of proceeding is in accordance with the way of acting of the parents.
In conclusion, go to therapy.



Hello, I have had a problem for some time, yes it is true that I am a person who tends to think about things a lot and get upset over things that maybe don’t make sense to other people and I try to work on it and improve it, but I have a problem. problem with my partner and it is the following: we argue a lot because when I give him my opinion on something that is not the same as what he thinks, he thinks I am arguing with him when all I want is to give him my opinion and for him to respect it the same way I respect him. yours, because I have never tried to change your mind with your thoughts, I have also asked you for help to help me improve in mine because apart from getting angry over stupid things, I suffer from depression and this leads me to have days in which I just want to I cry and I feel bad and instead of giving me his support, he gets angry with me and makes the situation worse. I really don’t know what to do. I know that we are not perfect, but I don’t want this to continue like this because it is screwing up our relationship. I have already tried to talk about it. with him and he seems to agree with me but then he continues the same way, always blaming me for everything when things go wrong… please help, I don’t know what else to do.

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Know-it-all mom’s son

04/30/2020 There is a saying that says:

Better alone than in bad company.

You deserve someone better than a selfish person.
Don’t diminish your life, go for yourself, be happy.



Certainly he lives with a selfish person, who is not interested in others, much less anyone’s opinion, it would be good for him to arm himself with self-love and for once in his life be equally like him, for his depression to become self-esteem to leave him know that you don’t need him. Go ahead and try



My mom is like that, as described in the article, rude, violent, horrible anger attacks, she throws things. She never listens to anyone, she does her will, she blames someone who took care of her when she was little, she is imposing, in the mornings everything in my house is a total stress. She is a mocking person, and I think that is what bothers me the most, she doesn’t throw anything away, she is a compulsive hoarder, we moved many years ago, and she took the recycling from the previous house to the new one. Recycling bags accumulate here because I don’t even want to throw that away. The other time she was organizing the recycling she left the room, she picked it up and told them not to throw anything away because there were still good things in there. Where I live, where I look there are no free spaces because they don’t throw anything away in one of the rooms, there is a 1990’s TV in the closet that doesn’t work and there it is.
I have told him that I would like to go back in time and go to his house and see what his life was like when he was young, because there are many things that I wonder about my mother and just by going back in time and witnessing her, I know that I would get all my answers.
Finally, when I have spoken to her she responds rudely, on one occasion I asked her what was wrong, what was wrong? And she answered me: “I have no other face, this is the one I have.”
. She is like that only with me, because with my sisters and others she pretends to be what she is not, only I know the reality of everything, not even my sisters project a false image to others.

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No matter how much you do, it will never be enough for those mothers, it is difficult for these people to change if they do not accept on their own that they have a problem.
The best thing you can do is not take her seriously, she is the one who has the problem, not you, during all the time you have left with her, remind yourself why you should not be like her.
So as soon as you are of age, try to get a job and find a way to look for a house.
You will save yourself headaches.
You deserve to be happy

Yaneuris Lara mounts


How to deal with a person like that because the ones who always tell me that I’m wrong are me.

Roman Rodriguez


Wow thank you!



Hello, I’m really worried about what’s happening to my father. It turns out that whatever topic is discussed, his opinion is always the one that counts. The moment you contradict him with some argument, he starts looking for information on the Internet about With this topic, he becomes defensive and very nervous until he moves his arms often and his hands shake. Another topic is that his grandchildren have to learn and go through what he went through. For example, with the 5-year-old, she also argues and I’m behind her because she doesn’t. understands that at that age the girl does not understand many things, and her answer is that she has to learn and see reality or like I did when I was little, another point my mother answers every time she goes to the east at home or in public anywhere loudly and with insults, and he only says that he is fine with his friends that he sees at the bar to the point of saying to me, no one bosses me around or bosses me around. When any topic is being discussed at the table while eating, he doesn’t pay attention. If not, it’s what he has in mind, he’s like gone if you ask him anything, the truth is I advised him to visit a professional and accompany him but he doesn’t want to and he’s even more defensive, and many other things that I’m not going to write because it wouldn’t end, I need Someone tell me what I can do Because I’m exhausted from thinking about it so much, and how to act, every day it’s harder for me to talk to him since I close myself off and move away so as not to end up arguing, but my mother experiences it every day and she’s exhausted, I can tell. despite wanting it.

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For me, there are cases of cases, I am a little stubborn sometimes, but from what I see your father pays attention to his friends a little, I advise you to talk to his friends and that they suggest he see a professional, because he is doing Family life is unbearable. It is very sad to grow old and be remembered for your tantrums instead of your happy moments…



Hello, I would like more information about the case to see how I do since my husband fights for everything, he is always right and he is aggressive. I feel very sorry for my daughters, I don’t want them to get sick.



Lately when someone says something I don’t agree with, I change the subject or stay silent and it works.
I don’t have to pretend that I agree with something when I don’t, that would be being false and having no self-esteem.
I have to learn to be assertive to avoid getting into conflicts.




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I’m happy that it helps you, but I’m going to tell you something without offending. People who write with capital letters reflect anger and fury. It sounds like you’re screaming. Greetings and don’t be angry, I say this without offending. Communication helps. Speaking the people understand.



Why are my comments never published on this page?



I always want to be right and I know it’s wrong. A few days ago someone pointed out a dog and said it was a beagle breed, I couldn’t stay silent and I said it was a baset hound because it had longer ears and then I showed them photos from the internet so they would believe me, causing the group to dislike me. .
I guess there are ways to say things without looking bad but I don’t know, sometimes I would like to be like my mother who…