How to CONTROL an ERECTION – Techniques and Exercises

Unfortunately today some topics that are directly related to people’s physical and emotional health continue to be treated as taboo topics. For this reason, on many occasions, it is preferable to remain silent and not ask for help and look for an appropriate solution to this situation. This type of problem does not allow men who suffer from it to enjoy a full sexual life, taking into account that they are also affected in other areas of their life for this same reason.

When we talk about problems for control and maintain a male erection, we refer to all men who cannot satisfactorily end a sexual relationship. In this Psychology-Online article: how to control an erectionwe are going to give you some tips in detail so that you can overcome this problem, however you have to keep in mind that it is essential, if your problem has become chronic, that you consult with a professional who will offer you the appropriate treatment according to your situation. specific.

Tips to maintain a male erection

If your problem is due to the fact that you cannot maintain an erection during sexual relations and this is causing you problems on a psychological level and even with your partner. There are always things you can do to control it and be able to finish your sexual relations satisfactorily. Some tips that will help you maintain an erection and combat it are the following:

  • Reduce stress in your daily life. It is proven that men who are subjected to constant stress, whether because they have financial problems, overwork or any other type of problem that generates constant worries and therefore their d levels are always high, are more likely to suffer from of erectile dysfunction. So if this is your case, you need to start making a change and modifying certain daily routines that keep you stressed all the time.
  • Sleep well. When you are not sleeping adequately, that is, sleeping less than 6 hours a day, it causes testosterone levels to decrease and therefore libido and the ability to have an erection decrease. Therefore, it is advisable to have adequate sleep and give rest the importance it deserves.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption. It must be remembered that alcohol It is a depressant substanceso when large amounts of alcohol are consumed, this will cause you to experience difficulties maintaining an erection.
  • Do physical exercise. When we perform physical exercise we release certain chemical substances in our brain such as endorphins, which help us improve our mood and therefore experience sex in a more pleasant way.
  • Reduces tobacco consumption. It is proven that habitual smoking increases the chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction. This occurs because its consumption damages the lining of the blood vessels, which hinders proper blood circulation and therefore the muscle mass of the penis.

Tips to reduce an involuntary erection quickly

There are also men who have erections at the wrong time and place, which makes them go through shame and discomfort, especially if they do not know how to lower the erection quickly or reduce it. Here are some tips so you know what to do if what you want is to lose an erection quickly.

  • Change of posture. Changing your posture can help you feel more confident, especially if you are among many people. For example, you can cross your legs, put your hands in your pocket, among other things that make other people not notice the erection. This will also help you feel more secure and relaxed and therefore the erection will begin to go down.
  • Walk and relax. If you have the opportunity to leave the place where you are and get away from the people you are with at that moment, do it. Go for a walk somewhere else and start thinking about other things that will bring your focus to a new topic.
  • Physical exercise. If you have the opportunity to do physical exercise at that time, do not hesitate to do so. For example, you can do some stretching, run, swim, etc. which will help you be more relaxed and focus your attention more on the activity you are carrying out.

How to control premature ejaculation

Now that you know how to control an erection, below, we are going to explain in detail some tips that will be very useful to you so that you can control premature ejaculation if you suffer from this problem.

Relaxation and breathing techniques

Put aside all your obligations and worries for a moment, get into a comfortable position and in a quiet place and start doing things like abdominal exercises, for example. Abdominal breathing is very simple, you just have to breathe slowly and deeply, feeling your abdomen swell, you hold your breath for a few seconds and finally exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this exercise calmly as many times as you consider necessary. You can also do some meditation that will help you calm your mind and stay in the present moment.

Kegel muscle exercises

These exercises that at first were used for the daytime, over time it was concluded that they are also of great help to control ejaculation.

This exercise is performed as follows:

  • When you go to urinate, cut off the action of urinating at least 5 times, each time you cut it, wait at least 2 seconds to carry out the next one and so on consecutively until you notice that you have it under control. Start carrying out contractions not only when you are urinating but also at other times of the day since you can do it anywhere.
  • Then you will carry out the contractions in increasing numbers, until you do it about 50 times a day or more, taking into account that you will also increase each exercise until you reach 10 seconds for each contraction. Remember to do it gradually, you will notice that your muscles will strengthen more and more and you will be able to have control of the situation.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. Spanish Society of Cardiology. (sf). Patient manual for erectile dysfunction. Retrieved December 6, 2018, from
  2. Durán, XD (sf). How to avoid premature ejaculation. Retrieved December 6, 2018, from
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