how to awaken a higher state of consciousness

Neurons work harmoniously within a complex system inside our head that is difficult to believe. They activate together in rhythmic patterns communicating with each other across the synapse. These patterns are measured in cycles per second (Hertz) and are what experts call brain waves.

Brain waves allow us to study the tangled behavior of the brain. Thus, analyzes such as electroencephalograms (EEG) have been used to better understand how pathological states develop and their behavior in neuronal patterns. The use of EEGs in medicine is widely documented.

But there are also those who dedicate their efforts to studying the relationship between brain waves and the awakening of consciousness. Maxwell Cade is a clear example of this, the British biophysicist is the inventor of what is known as Mind Morror or “Mental Mirror” in Spanish.

The peculiarity of Cade’s research with his Mind Mirror is that far from being interested in deciphering medical issues, his interest was rather evoked towards people with strong spiritual practices. The inventor of the Mind Mirror, he used it on the most spiritually aware people he could find.

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The types of brain waves and their awakening

According to modern EEGs, there are five basic brain waves within our neural behavior. They are divided according to their degree of frequency and each one is associated with different mental states.

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gamma waves

It is the highest brain wave frequency (40 to 100 Hz). It is associated with mental states where cognitive functions are active, that is, when the brain is learning. Gamma waves are also associated with very high levels of intellectual function, creativity, integration, maximum states and even the so-called “zone”.

A brain that produces many gamma waves reflects complex neural organization and heightened consciousness. There is evidence of electroencephalograms applied to monks. When they were asked to meditate on compassion, large flashes of gamma waves were found in their brains.

beta waves

These types of waves are normally divided into two types: high beta (15 to 40 Hz) and low beta (12 to 15 Hz). High beta is what is known as “monkey mind”, which has the peculiarity of jumping from topic to topic. These types of waves are characteristic of people who suffer from anxiety and are constantly under stress.

EGGs also light up with beta waves when people feel anger, fear, guilt, and shame. At these moments the ability to think clearly collapses, as the regions of the brain that handle rational thinking are blocked.

On the contrary, low beta waves are associated with calm and focused mental states. When you are trying to calculate the best route, solve a problem or write a poem, low beta waves are your greatest allies.

alpha waves

You may have heard a lot about alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz), as they represent an optimal state of relaxed alertness. The alpha waves are responsible for connecting the highest waves (the thinking mind of beta and the associative mind of gamma) with the other lower brain waves (theta and delta).

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Alpha waves improve neurotransmitter levels in the brain, resulting in improved mood.

Theta waves

It is the bridge between deep and light relaxation. When we dream vividly, our brain is in theta (4 to 8 Hz). It is also the predominant frequency in people under hypnosis and in trance. EGG applied to healers revealed that when they were in the middle of a therapeutic session, theta waves prevailed in their brains.

delta waves

Characteristics of deep sleep, delta waves (0 to 4 Hz) are associated with mental states of meditators, healers and when awakening the feeling of connection with the infinite. People who are not in deep sleep and who have illuminated delta waves in the EGG describe mystical experiences.

The Mind Awakens

After analyzing more than 4,000 people with the Mind Mirror for 20 years, Cade found that the state of Awakened Mind was common in groups of people with spiritual practices. Furthermore, he discovered a constant; all had large amounts of alpha waves.

When someone in the Awakened Mind state has a lot of alpha, it creates a link between the higher frequencies of faster brain waves and the lower frequencies. Cade called this the Alpha Bridge because it links the conscious mind of beta, with the subconscious mind frequencies of theta and delta. This allows for a flow of consciousness, integrating all levels of the mind.

So the answer lies in thoughts and meditation. When states of consciousness change, brain waves also do so and different brain pathways are activated. The feeling of bliss activates the pattern of brain waves associated with the Awakened Mind.

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Fear and love are extremes, working on our emotions through meditation could generate a significant change even in pathological states of the brain. In this way, we are activating higher states of consciousness, which will change everything.