How can you know that you are coming out of a depression crisis?

Physical and mental illnesses generally manifest themselves through symptoms, but this process is also valid for recovery.

Getting to the point of feeling completely well after severe depression (feeling sad, blue, unhappy, depressed, or broken down for a long period of time) can take a while.

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The website specialized in mental health detected the following good symptoms or signs that the patient is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel after their illness:

  • Clearer thinking: During severe depression, the ability to think clearly is reduced and therefore, when the person feels they can make decisions and that it is not difficult to think about what to do next at different times in your daily life, may mean that depression is being left behind. Experts also suggest that if there is difficulty detecting these symptoms of improvement, it is better to consult with a specialist.
  • Routines improve: Daily tasks such as studying or working require a high degree of concentration. If you feel that you concentrate better and that it is not so difficult to perform everyday tasksyou could be improving.
  • Relapses are not so frequent: In any recovery it is normal to present relapses or setbacks in improvement, but if such situations occur in an increasingly spaced manner and with less severity, It is a good signal. Specialists recommend good eating habits and physical and mental exercise.

Another recommendation from specialists in this type of disorder is keep a diary with progress, fill out questionnaires with questions about symptoms and monitor changes in the body when medications for the treatment of depression are replaced, removed, or added.

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Symptoms that you are suffering from depression

It is worth remembering some of the manifestations of this disorder, to keep them watched and monitored. This is a list according to the medical portal:

  • Irritability or low mood most of the time
  • Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping
  • Changes in appetite, often with weight gain or loss
  • Tiredness and lack of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness, self-hatred, and guilt
  • Difficult to focus
  • Slow or fast movements
  • Inactivity and withdrawal from daily activities
  • Hopelessness or feeling of abandonment
  • Repetitive thoughts of death or suicide
  • Loss of pleasure in activities that usually make you happy, such as play, entertainment, or sexual activity