Harness the power of your mind to heal your emotions

In general, we only realize how powerful our mind is when it causes us psychological problems (anxiety, stress, phobias, etc.). However, many people are unaware that this power has a double meaning. Just as negative thoughts can drag us down and plunge us into a pit of despair, controlling our thoughts, positively, can bring us enormous benefits.

The power of the mind in mental health

In any area of ​​your life, Every time she felt watched, Angela knew she was about to have a . If she felt that others were commenting on her or she felt being watched, her heart would race, she would break out in a sweat, and her throat would become blocked to the point of not being able to make words or sounds.

In consultation, we analyzed your crises and came to the conclusion that there was no physical impediment that caused them. Also, we realized that Angela wasn’t even sure they were looking at her or talking about her, I only imagined it.

A simple thought, without foundation, could trigger his anxiety to unsuspected limits.

The young woman told me that she had always been concerned about what others thought of her, but that, in recent years, this discomfort had increased to the point that, currently, it was anguishing to go out into the street.

In one of his first sessions, we talked about the power of the mind to, with a single thought, cause a crisis so strong that it can block people. As in the case of Angela, there was no external danger, nothing was going to happen to her, but her mind reacted as if something real were going to happen to her and paralyzed her.

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Unfortunately, we only realize the strength of our mind in negative aspects, when, for no apparent reason, it creates problems for us and blocks us or causes us anxiety, phobias or even psychosomatic illnesses.

Obviously, there is a reason to harbor these fears, but this does not come from a real external situation, but from how we interpret it, based on experiences from our past that have negatively programmed us to perceive a situation that we do not perceive as threatening. is.

I know it’s not nice to admit and suffer through these problems, but If we make the effort to read between the lines, we will understand how powerful our mind is. and, if we know how to take advantage of it, the enormous positive potential it has for our lives.

Positive thoughts, inner strength

People who come for a consultation are so concerned and absorbed by their problems that they are incapable of perceiving the force that they really harbor inside. In their therapeutic sessions we work to make them understand that, just as a single thought can create a deep life crisis, a single thought can also lead them to achieve extraordinary achievements. They just need to change perspective and reverse the sign of their thoughts.

In order to regain control of our mind and take advantage of its full potential, we must deprogram all those negative messages that were recorded in our childhood and that, even today, force us to misinterpret the present.

In Angela’s case, throughout her life, she had been listening to her parents worry about the opinion of the neighbors. They lived in a small town, where a bad gossip could sink the prestige of a whole family.

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From a very young age, she learned to behave appropriately, as dictated by the microcosm of the town, so as not to provoke a bad comment. In addition, at her school, due to a small mistake made in class, she suffered several episodes of teasing by teachers and classmates, which pushed her to be even more alert to the expressions and gazes of others.

Throughout your sessions, Angela was able to free herself from the catastrophic messages from her parents and the importance of what others thought. He understood that these ideas were part of his past, but that he should not continue dragging them in his present. It had been many years since he had left his town and he led a successful and rewarding life both in the family and professionally. Thanks to her ability, her tenacity and her effort, all these achievements she had achieved by herself.

Ángela began to value all her successes and changed the way she saw herself.

He understood that she was a very capable woman and that He shouldn’t waste time giving importance to the opinions of others.

When she was empowered and freed from her worries, Angela he was able to focus his mind on what he really wanted for her and for your family. He concentrated much more on his work, organized his time better, planned trips, activities and games with his family.

All these changes he managed to carry out thanks to the awareness that he had made about the power that his mind had and, to learn to focus this capacity in a positive way.

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