HAPPINESS AS A COUPLE Test – Are you happy in your relationship?

Happiness is a complex construct that has been the subject of much research over the last decade, an indicator that it arouses great interest. But, what is happiness? Happiness is the achievement of our purposes. Being happy is making our actions consistent with our feelings and thoughts. Happiness is that feeling of well-being and fulfillment of living at peace with oneself and with life. So, the happiness as a couple is considered the subjective state of well-being and personal satisfaction how a person feels about the relationship. It is considered that one of the desires of human beings is to be able to build a meaningful relationship. Having a relationship allows us to develop another facet of our person and another area in our life.

Happiness is a concept relative to each person, which is why it is so complicated to measure. In the same way, it is not easy to measure happiness as a couple, since each couple is different from another and each one has their own criteria for happiness as a couple. But, in general, we could say that one is happy as a couple when The relationship contributes to giving meaning and positive meaning to life. Being happy as a couple is being satisfied with the relationship, when the relationship agrees with personal fulfillment and when it produces positive moods.

How do you know if you are happy with your partner? Do you want to know your level of happiness as a couple? Next, you can answer the 10 questions in this couple happiness test. In this psychological test you will get the results immediately, free and online. Analyze your well-being and satisfaction with your relationship! In the results, you will find your level of happiness as a couple and the necessary advice to be happy as a couple.

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