Grief: how to move on after loss –

The death of a partner, family member or close friend is one of the most traumatic and painful events in any person’s life. It usually represents a hard blow in her life journey, which can plunge her into deep sadness and depression.

The truth is that most people end up accepting the death of a loved one, although it is harder for some than others. Grief is a healing process, a necessary stage to overcome the loss that can last months or even several years.

Strategies to overcome the loss of a loved one

Grief is the necessary emotional response that occurs after the death of a loved one. To cope with the loss, it is important to keep the following keys in mind.

Accept feelings: After the death of a loved one, it is very likely to experience the most varied and intense feelings: denial, insensitivity, anger, sadness, frustration, confusion, dejection and even exhaustion, helplessness and despair. We can only accept them, even if from a more rational view they do not seem appropriate. You have to allow yourself to experience the pain of loss. Cry if you need to.

Return to daily routine: After the period of shock, returning to your daily routine is the best way to face the situation and stop focusing on the memory of the absent person.

Talk to other people: Talking with friends and family about the feelings you are experiencing, the memory of the deceased person and what has happened can help you cope with the loss. Having the support of the immediate environment is important to overcome grief.

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What is not recommended is isolation, locking yourself inside yourself with your memories. According to a study by the Navarra University Clinic, “the narration of a tragic event partly dedramatizes it,” works as a kind of catharsis that frees and organizes thought, normalizes death and helps to overcome the experience.

Remember the good times: make an effort to remember the deceased at his best, remember the good times lived at his side.

Maintain healthy lifestyle habits: Taking care of yourself, following a balanced diet, a healthy rest and sleep pattern, exercising and having a social life will be of great help to continue with daily life and cope with grief. They will charge you with energy to eliminate negative thoughts and continue with your day to day life.

Help others affected by loss: Helping others can be comforting, as can sharing memories and anecdotes about the deceased.

If emotions get the best of you, seeing a mental health professional can be an excellent option. It helps you in the grieving process and to reinterpret your emotions and thoughts. This way, you can find the necessary strategies to get over the hump.

Do you think you need help managing the pain of losing a loved one?
