Geographic tongue: what is it, what are its symptoms and how is it cured?

When we talk about we automatically think of teeth, but we forget another essential element of the mouth: the tongue. It is in charge of detecting flavors, as well as being essential when chewing, swallowing and, of course, speaking. And the tongue also suffers from diseases.

One of them is benign migratory glossitis, more popularly known as geographic tongue. As explained by , it is an inflammatory problem, which affects up to 10% of the population.

“Normally, it begins in childhood and can last for years, although it occurs with periods of improvement,” they point out from the Council. Thus, the tongue can suffer these discomforts for a few days or up to a month.

But we should not worry too much, since dentists explain that it is a benign pathology.

And why does it occur? Well, the causes are not really known, although specialists point to stress as one of its main risk factors. In addition to this, other factors also influence such as:

  • Low levels of , such as B.

  • Consumption of irritating foods such as acids, spicy or excessively hot.

  • Having gastroesophageal reflux.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

  • Having psoriasis, rhinitis or .

What symptoms does geographic tongue cause?

The dentists of the General Council explain that the first symptoms that warn about this pathology is the appearance of white plaques that “extend towards the edges of the tongue, forming circles and drawings with the appearance of a geographical map”, of hence the name of this oral pathology.

These circles are characterized by having a white edge and a smooth, reddish center. Its appearance can be accompanied by other discomforts such as a burning sensation if acidic or spicy foods are eaten.

To determine that it is a geographic tongue, we must go to a dentist’s office. It will be he who will indicate if we are in the presence of this benign pathology. In addition to this, the General Council of Dentists advises “carrying out an exhaustive clinical and analytical history of the patient due to its frequent association with other processes such as vitamin deficiencies, anemia, etc.”.

Geographic tongue affects up to 10% of the population. freestockcenter.

Can it be treated?

Well, although there is no medication that specifically treats geographic tongue, there are treatments available to alleviate the discomfort it causes. There are hyaluronic acid mouthwashes that help regenerate the taste buds and, in the most serious cases and that cause more discomfort, the dentist may indicate the application of local corticosteroids.

Of course, from the General Council of Dentists they warn that in the case of being affected by this pathology we must:

  • Eliminate all those foods or substances that can irritate the tongue, such as spicy foods, acids, alcohol or tobacco.

  • Take special care of oral hygiene, including the tongue.

Finally, dentists stress that “the most important thing is to find the cause of the condition and treat it, which is not always easy.”

How to properly clean the tongue?

As it is usually the great forgotten when it comes to oral cleaning, the specialists of the General Council of Dentists of Spain give us some simple advice to keep the tongue in good condition.

  • The first is the . You can take advantage of brushing your teeth to rub your tongue with a brush, although it is best to get a tongue scraper that allows you to “eliminate bacteria and dead cells”.

For these scrapers to be really effective, specialists advise using them in front of a mirror. We must completely remove the tongue and pass the scraper from the innermost part to the tip.

Reaching the end of the tongue can cause nausea in some people, so dentists recommend “going progressively and breathing through the nose to lessen this effect.”

  • Once the cleaning is finished, the tongue scraper must be washed properly and stored, preferably in a cover or case.

Another important recommendation is to “eliminate all irritating factors: the presence of broken teeth, crowns or ill-fitting prostheses, as well as eliminating tobacco, moderate consumption of alcohol or coffee.”

  • A balanced diet. Eating healthy, with fruit and vegetables as an essential part of the diet, “will allow us to avoid certain vitamin deficiencies that affect our tongue” conclude the dentists.

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