Four tips for managing frustration

We understand frustration, broadly speaking, as the emotional response that occurs when we fail to fulfill an aspiration or desire. In this scenario, we usually react with sadness, discouragement, anger, or even anxiety.

A common emotion

The frustration it is a condition common in our life. Part of the reality of the world that we must accept is the complete impossibility of getting everything what we want or long for. The process of understanding that this is so We associate with personal development or what we colloquially call “maturity.”without this meaning that we give up having goals or projects.

On the contrary, understanding and assimilating our own possibilities and capabilities within the multiple environments in which we develop allows us to set more realistic objectives and give meaning to our efforts.

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However, not all of us have the same capacity for tolerance in the face of frustrationan important problem if we assume that That is where the key to managing it lies.. Frustration, as emotional responseusually transientHowever, when it becomes frequent or chronic, we must consider treating it carefully or with the help of our psychologist.

Now, there are healthy practice that can benefit us in situations that generate frustration:

Four tips for managing frustration

  1. Differentiate between need and desire: This will help us understand both the real cause of our frustration as weigh the importance of the situation that we find frustrating.
  2. Don’t succumb to emotion: not allow the immediate reaction and the intense feeling that arises in a moment of frustration dominates us. Anger, rage, sadness and others should not control us.
  3. Make a pause: Dealing with emotion is essential to managing frustration. Stop along the way, breathe and reflect calmly. about what happened will allow us to look for some option or possibility of achieving the goal we set for ourselves without falling into despair.
  4. Many roads lead to Rome: Trying to consider other alternatives to meet the initially set objectives is advisable when facing frustration. Evaluate possibilities of obtaining results or reformulating strategies to follow to achieve our goalshelps you manage frustration better and tolerate it in the future.
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