Four factors of self-esteem that allow constant learning

Finds; In addition, the three elements that make up self-esteem. How is yours?

Self-esteem is related to confidence, the perception of value and self-importance, which allows us to feel in harmony, internal peace, respect and responsibility in our environment.

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It is formed through our own assessment, that is, our thoughts, ideas, beliefs, practices and behaviors; In addition, from the experiences and evaluations that close people such as parents, educators, colleagues, friends and other significant people give us. This way, Those who establish their own identity have the ability to be themselves and resist ridicule and criticism.

Self-esteem motivates us to meet our goals and be able to face all types of difficulties, but it also allows us to feel worthy of enjoying our efforts and being happy.

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It is made up of 3 elements:

  1. Cognitive component (as we think): It refers to knowing our strengths and weaknesses, and recognizing that weaknesses are an opportunity for continuous change.
  2. Affective component (how we feel): It is related to the assessment that we give ourselves, both positively and negatively.
  3. Behavioral component (how we act): It is that ability to meet the objectives proposed in our lives in a coherent and consistent way.

Likewise, self-esteem is a constant learning of different factors, among which are:

  1. Self-criticism: I can recognize my own mistakes, accept them, know how to forgive them and, finally, overcome them, as well as recognize what I do well, which generates satisfaction and a sense of usefulness.
  2. The responsability: With it I accept that my own life is a consequence of personal decisions, so if the present does not satisfy me it is because I am surely allowing, in some way, what happens and I can work to change it.
  3. Respect for oneself and one’s own value as a person: understanding value, recognition, self-love and the right to be happy.
  4. The autonomy: where I look for spaces for self-realization and independence.
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In this way, when we have high self-esteem we find ourselves in search of our own well-being, achieving our achievements and increasing happiness, that is, we improve our quality of life.

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