Four consequences of deep sadness

Sadness is a very human feeling; it is essential to have a proactive attitude so as not to paralyze life in a painful situation. Even in a suffering situation, life continues. Which are the four consequences of deep sadness?

Lack of appetite

A person who suffers from sadness due to lack of love, for example, may experience lack of appetite due to that knot in the stomach that produces the anguish of heartbreak. There are people who, in the stage of sadness, tend to neglect their diet, so it is essential to pay attention to this point so that this does not happen. Otherwise, and as a result of anxiety, a person can also eat uncontrollably to try to fill that inner void.


One of the possible consequences of sadness is the tendency toward isolation typical of those who want to be alone. In a stage of sadness it may happen that the person feel like you don’t connect with others because you have other concerns that bother you.

Sedentary lifestyle

Another possible consequence of sadness is sedentary lifestyle and apathy. The lack of initiative to carry out certain activities in the face of a kind of vital laziness that, at certain times, overwhelms everything.

negative thinking

A person who suffers a period of sadness has more negative thoughts throughout the day than someone who is experiencing a good time. External circumstances directly influence the internal way of feeling. This pessimism It can also be projected even into the future to the extent that someone who is experiencing a bad moment can imagine a future situation that is also marked by fears and insecurities of the moment.

However, the possible effects of sadness are not inevitable but can be combated through resilience.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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