Foods that help and those that do not help depression

There is a relationship between low levels of serotonin or norepinephrine and the appearance of depressive symptoms.

The foods that help improve The depressive symptoms are the following:

1. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C: This vitamin is capable of reducing levels of vanadium, a mineral responsible for bipolar depression. We can find vitamin C in citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit), vegetables such as garlic, onion and borage, red fruits, pineapple, papayas, cashews and nuts (walnuts or almonds).

2. Vitamin B: Vitamin B9 (also known as folacin or folic acid) increases serotonin. You can find it in spinach, asparagus, cashews, peppers, oats, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, oranges, tomatoes, apples, potatoes, pears, almonds, among others. Pyrixin (vitamin B6) and cobalamin (vitamin B12) are also considered very useful in treating depression. The foods that contain the highest amounts of vitamin B12 are of animal origin (clams, chicken and cow livers, eggs, milk and its derivatives, tuna, sardines), so people who have a strict vegetarian diet will need to take supplements (the multivitamins contain the necessary amount).

3. Amino acids: tryptophan is considered the best muscle relaxant and we can find it in garlic, onion, oats, cabbage, cashews, chestnuts, citrus fruits, tomatoes, pumpkin, figs, beans, mango and many other foods.

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Another very useful amino acid to combat depressive states is phenylalanine, this is because it helps produce norepinephrine. The foods that provide us with it are those that contain high levels of proteins such as milk and its derivatives, legumes (such as lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas, soybeans), eggs and meat.

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4. Minerals: Calcium is one of the minerals that contains antidepressant properties. Vegetables such as garlic, cabbage, onion, fruits, chestnuts, almonds, walnuts, coconut, apples, figs, bananas and avocados are foods rich in calcium. Potassium, lithium, magnesium and selenium also have antidepressant properties.

5. Garlic : Although we have already mentioned it many times within the previous groups, it is important to highlight that this food has many antidepressant properties since it is a source of magnesium, calcium, ascorbic acid, tryptophan, potassium, phenylalanine and selenium. In addition to this, garlic has sedative components (caffeic acid, geraniol, linalool, apigenin and stigmasterol).

6. Complex carbohydrates : ingesting them calms the brain and produces peace throughout the body. These carbohydrates are especially useful for depression caused by premenstrual syndrome or autumn depression. The main foods that contain complex carbohydrates are whole grains (wheat, oats, rice, etc.) and their derivatives (such as pasta, noodles, spaghetti, etc.), legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, peas, etc. .), vegetables (potatoes, onion, spinach, carrots, etc.) and fruits (apples, pears, peaches, plums, etc.)

7. Omega 3Some studies suggest that these fatty acids may be useful for treating depression and improving schizophrenia as they help maintain mental balance. The most direct sources of Omega 3 are oily fish and fish oil. Vegetables contain alpha-linolenic acid (which is also omega 3 acid) but it must be converted into eicosapentaenoic acid or docosahexaenoic acid and the body can only transform 10% of this acid into the latter two. Likewise, the foods that have the highest levels of omega 3 are flaxseed oil, canola or walnut oil. Wheat germ, soybean and hazelnut oil also contain it.

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Among the vegetables rich in omega 3 are purslane, soybeans, spinach, strawberries, cucumber, Brussels sprout leaves, cabbage, pineapple, walnuts and almonds.

There are also omega 3 supplements, they are capsules that contain fish oil, powder or flaxseed oil.

8. The capsaicin: It is a component of the spiciness of chili or cayenne pepper. Hot pepper, chili and cayenne pepper stimulate the production of endorphins known as the hormones of happiness. Another rich source of capsaicin is ginger.

The following foods are not recommended for depression:

1. Simple carbohydrates : refined products and sugars. These foods may calm anxiety in the short term but then produce uncontrollable desires to continue eating. It is also well known that they provide many calories.

2. The coffee : There are people who feel better when drinking coffee, other people feel more anxious when drinking any type of stimulating beverage. When you drink coffee very frequently you may experience mild depression when you give up the habit.

3. The alcohol : since it interferes with antidepressant medications, it lowers the glucose level, worsening the depressive’s mood and can cause insomnia.

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